As you get older, your skin changes from the oily mess it maybe once was in your teens, and starts doing new things (like getting really dry, or developing adult acne). That’s why it’s important to tweak your beauty routine for your 20s, so that you can combat these things before they get out of hand.
You probably fondly remember your teen years when all you had to worry about were zits. Your beauty regimen consisted of big doses of Noxzema, white splotches of zit cream, and that was it. But now that you're an older, more refined twenty-something, you may have a myriad of skin issues to contend with — which may still be acne, let's be honest. And that's totally normal. According to Aviva Patz for Prevention, "Estrogen peaks during your 20s, giving most women their best-ever complexion: luminous, taut, and even-toned. The shift in hormone levels around your period, however, can lead to acne."
So besides treating your acne, you also need to take care of your skin so that it remains healthy for years to come. That's why your 20s are a good time to start adding in little things here and there to ward off dry skin and sunspots that may be a bit of a nuisance later on. It's nothing to lose sleep over, but adding a few simple steps to your skin care routine can do things like help prevent skin cancer, stop eye wrinkles from forming, and keep you looking fresh (no matter how busy your schedule is). Here are some tips for upping your beauty game in your 20s.
1. Start (And Stick To) A Regimen
I know. You're busy, tired, and don't have time for a skincare routine. But your future self with thank you if you start taking care of your skin now. According to The Huffington Post, "while women in their 20s face a myriad of skin issues, from acne to the first signs of aging, one of the most important things is to stick to a regimen ... Once those practices are set in place you can ensure much younger-looking skin in the years ahead." Choose some skincare products based on your needs (acne-prone, dry skin, etc.) and stick with it so your skin has a chance to even out.
2. Get To Moisturizin'
Now that your skin is becoming less oily, you'll want to replace that natural moisture with a good face cream. Find one that works for you and make sure you use it morning and night.
No 7 Protect and Perfect Beauty Serum, $40, amazon.com
3. Become Friends With Sunscreen
Gone are the days of frolicking on the beach without sunscreen like you don't give AF. It's now time to start applying sunscreen, whether you like it or not. Since skin damage is cumulative, you may not see any signs of it now, but you definitely will in another ten years. Be sure to protect yourself from the aging effects of the sun, and more importantly from skin cancer, by applying a broad spectrum sunscreen every day.
Cetaphil Face Moisturizer with SPF, $13, amazon.com
4. Protect Your Delicate Eyes
Your 20s are a tiring time with loads of responsibilities. It can all start to show around your eyes in the form of puffiness, dark circles, and crow's feet. If you like the zombie look, then go ahead and rock it. But if not, you may want to consider some eye cream. According to writer Jessica Cruel for POPSUGAR, "the skin around your eyes is the thinnest on the body, meaning that is where wrinkles will appear first. By your mid-20s, find an eye cream that will restore moisture to that area...Sunglasses that protect against UV rays are also a must have for your beach days."
Beautifully Radiant Antioxidant Eyecream, $22, amazon.com
5. Remove Your Makeup At Night
It can be tempting to fall into bed with a face full of makeup, but try to take care of your skin before falling asleep. According to Emma Mulholland for CollegeTimes, "Makeup wipes simply aren't to remove all the dirt and grime that's sitting on your skin. You need to thoroughly clean your skin before you go to bed because that's when your skin repairs itself. This goes for nights out too!"
Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Cleanser, $7, amazon.com
6. Experiment With New Makeup Shades
Now that your skin is thoroughly cared for, it's time to reap the benefits. When you're in your 20s, it's fun to play around with shades that you may have been too afraid of when you were younger. Remember putting on lipstick when you were 12? You felt like someone playing dress-up — because you were. Your 20s are officially here, so wear bright pink lipstick and eyeshadow for days, because you're fabulous and you can do whatever you want.
Vasanti Cosmetics Lipstick in 'Crazy in Love', $19, amazon.com
A lot changes in your 20s, and so should your beauty routine. With a few simple tweaks, you can adjust your regimen and have healthy skin for years to come.
Images: Pexels (1); Giphy (6)