7 Holiday Hair Ideas For Girls With Long Hair

The holidays are stressful for plenty of reasons. Not only do you have to buy gifts for your family and friends, navigate through crowded airports, and accept the challenge of eating your body weight in desserts, you also have to try to look presentable multiple times for the various parties you'll inevitably be attending this season, which also means thinking up holiday hair ideas for long hair. Holiday parties are fun because you get another excuse to go out and buy a sparkly dress and try that berry lip you've been eyeing all fall, but coming up with how you want to do your hair is a whole different beast.
The holidays give you an opportunity to play with your look, so why not try doing something new with your hair, rather than just wearing it down like you normally do? From braids to carefully crafted ponytails, there are plenty of tutorials across the Internet that can help you get the perfect holiday hairstyle for your work party, friendsgiving, or family gathering.
I tend to keep it simple throughout the year when it comes to my hair. I have about two hairstyles: a sleek blowout or a head full of messy waves. But this holiday season, I fully intend on branching out with pretty, yet simple holiday hairstyles.
Here are seven holiday hair tutorials for girls with long hair.
1. High Pony
A sleek high pony pairs great with more dramatic makeup.
2. Half Bun
Half buns were hands down one of the coolest hair trends of 2015. Stay trendy this holiday season and rock one yourself.
3. Fishtail Braid
Will we ever get tired of the fishtail braid? Probably not. Also, fishtail braids are a lot easier than they look.
4. Finger Waves
It's never a bad idea to add some old school glamour to your holiday look.
5. Topknot
A topknot is a great way to keep your hair out of your face for a night of dancing.
6. Braided Updo
There are so many different versions of a braided updo, but I love how casual this headband dutch braid updo looks.
7. Sexy Waves
We'd all be lying if we said we didn't want big, sexy waves a la those on the Victoria's Secret runway. Bonus: This style is easier to do with messy hair. How convenient.
Want more beauty tips? Check out the video below, and be sure to subscribe to Bustle’s YouTube page for more hacks and tricks!