
Fincher's 'Gone Girl' Won't Be Like the Book

by Anna Klassen

On Wednesday we saw the first image from the highly anticipated Gone Girl: a still (photographed by director David Fincher himself) of Ben Affleck spooning a corpse (Rosamund Pike) on a gurny table. Yum. And Thursday, we've been told that the film, based off the best selling book by Gillian Flynn, will have an entirely different third act. But for those who haven't read the book and are simply going to see the film, we bet they'll be thankful. No spoilers here, but because Flynn wrote the script herself, and decided to rewrite the third act to a different end, we trust her decision. The world of Gone Girl, was of her inception, after all.

“There was something thrilling about taking this piece of work that I’d spent about two years painstakingly putting together with all its eight million LEGO pieces and take a hammer to it and bash it apart and reassemble it into a movie,” Flynn told Entertainment Weekly. She even said that actor Ben Affleck, who stars in the film, was shocked by the alternate ending: "Ben was so shocked by it. He would say, ‘This is a whole new third act! She literally threw that third act out and started from scratch.’"

The film centers around two out of work magazine writers (how very timely) who move from New York City to the country. But on their fifth wedding anniversary, the wife goes missing, and her husband is the prime suspect in her disappearance. The flick will hit theatres Oct. 3.

Image: Getty