Your apartment is your home, but it can also be your workspace, your hangout spot, or your gym. The humble apartment can be put to many uses but due to them often being small on space, they often feel chaotic; so discover how to make your apartment more peaceful.
Depending on where you live and who you live with, apartments can be busy places indeed. Apartments are often situated in suburban areas, most often in large cities and busy towns and the countryside is usually home to houses. Thus suburban life brings with it a symphony of noises including but not limited to: traffic, drunk people, sirens, angry people, barking dogs, and crying children. This is on top of noisy neighbors or roommates you can hear through the paper thin walls discussing Game of Thrones theories into the wee hours, or crying drunkenly on the phone to their exes.
Sometimes it's not even the noise that's the issue. Often it can be the general feeling of confinement in a small space which feels landlocked by skyscrapers or apartment blocks and feeling like you're in desperate need of some nature and/or time away from your concrete jungle.
It doesn't matter how big or small your living space is, there are ways you can make your apartment more homely and generally more of a peaceful and pleasant place to be in. Follow these tips to create a relaxing space which you just can't wait to spend time in.
1. Keep Everything Clean & Tidy
Heard of the saying tidy home, tidy mind? Well, it's actually true because cleaning can boost your mental health and be an outlet for energy and negative emotions, according to a study from the University of California. So before you do anything else, give your apartment a spring clean and make sure everything is in order.
2. Create A Dedicated Workspace
I imagine I'd go insane if I didn't have a dedicated workspace, especially considering I work from home. Back in the days of college and school I would often work in my bedroom or even on my bed, which looking back was a huge mistake because then I would find it difficult to switch off and relax, as there wasn't a barrier between my work area and my relaxation space. Your workspace may be for college work, a side project, or perhaps even a creative endeavour. Whatever your workspace is used for, ensure you can step away from it completely when you need to and switch off from your work by creating a dedicated workspace.
3. Create A Relaxing Ambience
Transform your apartment into a relaxing retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Use candles to create romantic lighting, incense to give out peaceful vibes and nice scents, and relaxing music to help you forget about your troubles. Take it one step further and take all three into the bathroom and have the most decadently relaxing bath times ever.
4. Bring The Outside In
It's great to spend time outdoors, but when you're in the mood for relaxing and having a night or day in at home you may want to bring the outside in. Bringing some plants into your home is not only a great way to decorate your space but it can also lead to a more relaxing space. The Huffington Post reported that Dutch researchers found hospital patients with indoor plants in their rooms reported lower stress levels than patients without them. Invest in some plant power to de-stress your environment.
5. Use Low Lighting
Banish the glare of bright lights and use small lamps with a homely glow instead. A brightly lit room can often appear clinical, which may remind people of doctor's surgeries or hospitals, which are usually not the most relaxing of places. Go for lights which are easier on the eye to make you and your guests feel more relaxed.
6. Make A Cozy Corner
Create a cozy corner in your living room or bedroom which is a dedicated area where you can indulge in some "me time." Tuck your favorite chair, beanbag, or armchair into a corner and surround it with all of your favorite things which you might use to help you switch off and unwind. Items may include books, magazines, crafts, or art supplies. Turn off all technology and don't forget a cozy blanket to snuggle up in and a small side table where you can place your favorite hot beverage or snacks. A cozy corner is a little slice of heaven.
7. Put Up Blackout Curtains
Blackout curtains aren't just for night workers and babies who don't sleep during the night; they can benefit everyone. Blackout curtains not only limit the amount of light coming through your window (which could be super useful for city dwellers surrounded by bright and/or flashing lights,) but they also regulate room temperature, and dampen external noises, which IMO makes for a much more peaceful and calm environment.
Take these tips to make your apartment more peaceful and you'll be living in your own little haven before you know it.
Images: DominikMartin; AliInay; DustinLee; JeffSheldon; JezTimms; AliceHampson /Unsplash; Giphy (2)