Say Hello To Your Newest Sex Toy

Masturbation just got a whole lot lazier. This week at CES, sex toy company OhMiBod unveiled their new vibrating panties, complete with integrated blueMotion massager. The device, which will hit the market in March, comes with a panty liner outfitted with a Bluetooth chip. Vibrations can then be controlled by you (or your partner) via smartphone with the toy's accompanying app. Retailing at $129, this little toy can also vibrate to the pattern of a recorded song or message.
"It's a really fun way to control vibrations without anyone knowing what you're doing because the remote is on your phone," Brian Dunham, who founded OhMiBod with his wife Suki, told Mashable . "Technology can drive couples apart, but this is using technology and gadgets to bring them closer together."
OhMiBod hopes that, by the summer, their panties will have the capacity to handle longer distances.
Sadly, you and your partner can only use this toy in close proximity to one another – at least for the time being. OhMiBod hopes that, by the summer, their panties will have the capacity to handle longer distances. Now that's one obvious way of surviving a long distance relationship.
The toy has been greeted by fans as the next step in sexting, but some critics seem to think the panties are too gimmicky, more suited to bachelorette party giggling than to actual steamy bedroom fun. While a vibrating panty hardly seems like a masturbatory revolution for most gals and couples, long distance couples might just help the toy live up to its praise come summer.
Image: Caroline Wurtzel/Bustle