10 Crazy "Monster Porn" Titles

Ladies, let's talk about monster porn . There's a lot of ink spilled and a lot of brows furrowed over the variety — and perhaps depravity — of popular Internet porn these days. Though it generally goes without saying, the assumed consumers of midget and MILF and chinchilla-on-amputee porn videos are dudes. But it seems women have their own dirty little secrets — like dreaming of doing it with Minotaurs, T-Rex, Sasquatch, and all manner of other inhuman beings.
In literary form, "cryptozoological erotica" (aka monster porn) has apparently been flourishing. According to Business Insider, there's some serious money to be made peddling tales of humans coupling with fabled-beasts. One female author who goes by Wade has been putting her daughter though college on the profits. "I used to joke with her, 'Bigfoot smut is paying for your school,'" said Wade, author of the popular "Cum for Bigfoot" series.
But what does it all mean? Do women really lust after yetis and mermen? Is it the novelty factor? A bestiality thing? What? Erotica author Alice Xavier told Business Insider that modern crypto-porn is more similar to Greek myths than bestiality. When Zeus turns into a swan, he's still a God swan, not some ordinary bird.
Maybe it's just best not to overanalyze this. Instead, I'll leave you with this list of 10 amazing monster porn book titles that you can find on I, for one, am glad to see that cryptozoological erotica authors seem to like alliteration as much as I do.
6. Barbarian Chicks and Demons (Vol. 5)
10. Stolen by the Gargoyle King 2
Book club, anyone?
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