
Nick Carter's Baby Sex Revealed On 'DWTS'

by Lindsay Denninger

Part of the fun of reality television—and live reality television at that—is that there are always unexpected surprises. Sure, we as viewers know that Dancing With The Stars may have some crazy elimination drama or jump scares (as guest host Leah Remini learned during Halloween week), but who would have ever thought we’d see two parents learn the sex of their unborn child? Well, Nick Carter and his wife, Lauren, learned that they’re having a baby boy on Dancing With The Stars, and it was a totally emotional moment for everyone—Nick, Lauren, the judges, the audience, and the contestants.

The theme of the week is “inspiration”, and all dancers were supposed to choose someone that they’re inspired by. Nick chose Lauren because of all of the times she’s been there for him. When he was deep into addiction of drugs and alcohol, Lauren stood by his side, and now that she’s six months pregnant with their first child, Nick is vowing to be as good of a man as he can for Lauren and the new baby. Sharna, Nick’s dance partner, and Nick danced a contemporary number with his mantra in mind, and it was very touching. Nick was visibly emotional, barely holding back tears throughout. The payoff was two-fold—Nick and Sharna received a perfect score of 30, putting them on top of the leader board and giving them immunity from the night’s harrowing dance offs.

Erin Andrews saved the greatest part for last, telling Lauren and Nick to pull the lid off a box filled with balloons colored either pink (for a girl) or blue (for a boy). The color inside would be the sex of their baby, and it was blue all the way. A mini Backstreet boy! Nick and Lauren were so excited, and it was truly the perfect way to end his dance this week.

Images: Adam Taylor/ABC