My birthday is November 3, which not only means my birthday often falls on Election Day — it means I almost always share my birthday weekend with Halloween. (Also, it means I share Sirius Black's birthday.) Don't get me wrong. I love Halloween. I love dressing up in costumes — even though I spend most of the time whining about how I don't want to spend any money on this holiday. I love candy, and fall-themed drinks, and seeing the kids run around the neighborhood at 5 p.m., and then going out and seeing everyone dressed up closer to 11 p.m. It's all grand. But it also takes over my birthday, and anyone that's born between October 25 and November 5 FEELS ME.
Obviously, we Halloween babies don't have it nearly as hard as some of the other birthdays. Being born on November 3 is nothing compared to being born on December 24, or January 1. So, my hats off the holiday babies, and the NYE babes, because they have a struggle that I simply don't understand. But they also get a lot more sympathy than we do. Christmas Babies have been getting their own listicles for years, and what do we have? Just some leftover candy and forgotten dreams. Here are nine things only people who have birthdays near Halloween understand:
1. Jamming Candy And Birthday Cake Into One Week Is Lovely, But It'd Be Nice To Space Out The Treats A Little
When you love cookies, candies, birthday cake and sweets, it's such a treat to wrap it altogether in one week. But here's the thing: Spacing out the fun, instead of eating sugar nonstop for a week and a half, would also be nice.
2. Your Birthday Is Always Around Daylight Savings Time, So Your Birthday Essentially Means The Days Are Getting Shorter
Though on my 21st birthday, which fell directly on Halloweekend in college, Daylight Savings Time was on my birthday, so my 21st birthday was 25 hours long and it was AWESOME.
3. Everyone Always Hopes (Or Assumes) That You're Having A Halloween-Themed Party
And maybe you want your BIRTHDAY to be the theme. But everyone insists in showing up in costumes.
4. And There's Pressure To Make Your Party Good Because Someone Else Might Have A Better Party
Because Halloween is a huge party night, there is a lot of competition — and you shouldn't have competition on your birthday, ISN'T THAT THE POINT?
5. As A Kid, You Wanted A Day That's Special Just For You, Not For Every Other Kid In The Neighborhood
As a kid, on your birthday, it was all about you. You got sweets when no one else did. You brought treats into school. But on Halloween, everyone got treats and feels special, and you wanted to be the only special one, DAMMIT.
6. Everyone Always Whines About The Days After Halloween Because It Gets Cold And Gray In November, And You Want People To Stay Excited Because It's Your Birthday
It doesn't matter if early November has grim weather, you need people in a good mood. Your birthday is going to be a day filled with sunshine, even if it's freezing out.
7. You End Up Celebrating Your Birthday Really Early Or Really Late Because Of Halloween
Why does Halloween gotta step on your parade like that?
8. In College, When There Were Like Nine Nights Of Halloween, People Forgot About Your Birthday
Like couldn't everyone just take ONE night off from being drunk pumpkins to celebrate your birthday? Being born on October 29 makes college Halloween annoying as hell.
9. After Halloween, Everyone Starts Moving On To Other Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Etc.) And You're Like, "AREN'T YOU FORGETTING ABOUT SOMETHING?"
And if your birthday's before Halloween, no one is talking about your birthday because they won't shut up about their costumes. But if you're birthday's after Halloween, all people do is complain that the December holiday decorations are already in stores. And then they're focused on those presents, instead of shopping around for your present.
Images: Disney, Giphy (9)