Let 'Dirty Thirty' Be Your Birthday Inspo
If you are anywhere close to turning 30 years old (I’m looking at you, 28 and 29 year olds), it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get serious about how you want to do this. So good news: There's a new project in the works that might give you some inspiration. For instance, you might want to do something similar to the ladies behind Dirty Thirty, the new film starring YouTube comedy greats Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, and Hannah Hart, that was recently picked up by Lionsgate. In the film, these three go for a big festival of birthday-ness, so it might serve as good inspo!
Or, if that's not quite your style, you might want to regress into the cave of childhood and never come out. Hey, there are a couple of ways to ring in this new decade.
Personally, though, I support the former option. Having turned 30 in the not-too-distant past and having kind of killed it in the celebration department, I recommend going big or going home. (BTW, going home is totally fine, too. There are sweatpants and Cheez-Its there.) Thankfully, there are plenty of options, and either way, there is a party to be had — no matter how much you are looking forward to or wanting to run directly away from turning 30.
A Hangover Blow Out
What better way is there to be thrust into the sh*t-just-got-real kind of adulthood than to be so drunk you don’t remember it? To be clear, I'm talking The Hangover kind of partying: Partying hard with a scavenger hunt to boot. As long as you stay safe and responsible, why not? I recommend a bar hop/shots situation with all of your closest friends, or a ridiculous house party with big tubs full of mysterious punch.
A 30 And Flirty And Thriving Shindig
Sure, turning 30 is rough, but you can either fight it the entire time or embrace it entirely like Jenna in 13 Going On 30. If you’re leaning more toward the latter, I recommend doing a ‘80s style throwback party, replete with awesome costumes, your favorite candy from when you were a kid, and plenty of ballads to sing/scream your heart out to when the clock strikes midnight and you magically turn into an adult.
A Peter Pan Party
If you want to continue to live as if the best years are behind you, you do you, boo. Have a sleepover. Dress in onesie pajamas. Throw a party that Rufio would be proud of, and refuse to believe the number 30 belongs anywhere on your Tinder profile.
A Six Feet Under Funeral
Embrace it: Have everyone wear black to your party and throw yourself a mock funeral where everyone talks about all of your past hookups and how you once were the life of the party. Then throw the best party of your life, complete with coffin-themed cookies, and cocktails made with Blk.
A Dirty Thirty-Inspired Celebration
Make your transition into your 30s the filthiest you can imagine. Hire strippers, invite all of the guys you’ve been emailing on OKCupid, and enjoy the chaos that comes of it.
A Friends Get Together
Here’s an option for those of you who are cool with turning a new leaf on a new decade: Throw an awesome party with plenty of food, plenty of drinks, and plenty of amazing people. Kind of like Rachel did on Friends! Invite all of the people who have meant the most to you over the past decade, make a kickass toast about how awesome it is to have spent an entire decade with people like them (avoid the marriage timeline that Rachel falls prey to), and be done with it. Because, guess what? Like most things that are overhyped, turning 30 really isn’t that terrible.
So no matter how you ring it in (or don’t ring it in), birthday is going to be amazing. Because here’s something that you will realize once you are out of your 20s: all of those minefields you walked through over the past decade — the bad dates, the crappy jobs, the bosses from hell — all of them were necessary groundwork for what’s to in your 30s. And, trust me, is pretty amazing. I promise.
Image: RockStream Studios; Giphy (6)