If Ryan Murphy's goal is for me to never get a sound night's sleep again, then I'd say his upcoming Halloween episode "Devil's Night" on American Horror Story: Hotel should definitely do the trick. Because much like how Evan Peters' Mr. March is based off of the infamous, real-life serial killer H.H. Holmes, this week will find other real-life murderers checking into the Hotel Cortez for a little dinner party. (Killers: they're just like us!) And while the promos offer up a brief glimpse at March's heinous dining companions, odds are that you stopped and took notice at John Carroll Lynch's killer clown character. And since this isn't the first time the actor has donned such a chilling ensemble, many of you may be wondering if this means Freak Show 's Twisty the Clown will be returning to AHS: Hotel .
Well, thankfully, I am happy to inform you that this is not the case, so you no longer have to worry about Twisty making an appearance. However, that doesn't mean Lynch's portrayal of this new clownish figure will be any less terrifying. The AHS vet will now be taking on the role of real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy, who is known for his murderous deeds and sexual assaults on young boys and teenagers while dressed as his alter ego, Pogo The Clown. Kinda makes Twisty seem like a tame puppy dog, doesn't it? I mean, he had his flaws, sure, but he still had a soft spot for children.
For now, it's unclear what new horrors this band of murderous men/women will get up to at March's little gathering, but considering that everyone's No. 1 quality on each of their resumes is killing people, I'd say the guests at the Cortez are in for a terrifying treat-or-treat experience. (You know, because this hotel didn't already have enough demonic characters lurking within its hallowed halls.) If I were staying there, I'd certainly be asking for a refund as well as directions to the nearest exit.
But given that this rendezvous is taking place during American Horror Story's iconic Halloween episode, I have a sneaking suspicion that will somehow play a part in whatever devious plan they're concocting. Since Hotel seems to be echoing many of Murder House 's ghostly rules (like being forced to haunt the place you were killed in for all eternity), then maybe the same leniences apply as well. In Murder House, Halloween was the one night of the year when the ghosts were able to leave the confines of the premises they haunt and wander among the living. Perhaps the same goes for the ghosts at the Cortez.
And knowing Mr. March, he undoubtedly has something particularly sinister planned for this year — something that involves not one, but multiple serial killers. Now if that isn't the stuff true nightmares are made of, then I don't know what is.
Images: FX; screengrab/FX; feelavalanche/Tumbr