8 Things You Can Only Do In Libraries

There's a big possibility that, being the book-lover you are and always will be, a library is your second home. As a kid, there were always fun activities/crafts to do and readings to listen to while sitting on big comfy beanbag chairs, and you probably met a good friend or two within the aisles of books. Knowing that all the books within this one magical building were up for grabs as long as you had your library card was a pretty big deal. And, well, it still is.
While I didn't grow up next to a huge public library — it was like the size of a New York City apartment — it was still special. And my school's librarian knew me well enough by the first week of the year to start recommending books and authors to me. Even in college, I spent the majority of my time in between classes, and even weekends, hanging out at the library with friends. And after all this time, I've realized that libraries are much more than they seem to be.
With their stacks of books, and old desks with years' worth of initials carved into them, libraries are a wonderful place. There are certain things you can only do at the library, like attend cool bookish events and talk to book pros all day long. If you aren't already packing up your things and planning to spend the day at your library now, here are eight solid reasons that will convince you to do so.
You Can Read For Hours On End
You can read for hours upon hours at home. But what's the best public reading spot? The library, of course! No one within will judge you for spending an entire day devouring one book after another. There are also plenty of comfy corners, private rooms, and open tables to at which enjoy your reading party.
You Can Talk Openly About Books With Book Professionals
Librarians are pros at a lot of things, and happen to be some of the most knowledgeable people around. If you want to talk about an amazing book you just finished, it's basically guaranteed the librarian has also read it, and wants to talk about it with you.
You're Surrounded By The Best Scent In The World: Old Books
Opening up a book on your shelf and inhaling that wondrous scent is one thing — but being surrounded by it at all times is heaven. Even if the book is new and the library just got it in last week, it's bound to still smell good.
You Can Borrow More Than Just Books And DVDs
If you're already pretty involved in your library, then you probably already know this. But this list of weird things you can rent from your public library even surprised me! BRB, I'm going to go check out a telescope.
You Save A Lot Of Money Without Even Trying
As someone who asks for nothing more than Barnes and Noble gift cards for Christmas and my birthday, I've known for a while that I have a book-buying budget issue. As much as I love to own books, I also love lending them to and borrowing from my friends. If you're the same, and your paycheck is saying no to buying new books, the library will always have your back.
You Whisper For Fun
Yes, you can whisper anywhere. Yes, not all libraries enforce a strict no-talking rule. But whispering is more fun in a library. Especially with a best friend, or even a cute date.
You Can Attend Literary Events And Author Signings
Nearly every time I've gotten a book signed was when I attended an author event at a library. I've traveled hours just to get to certain libraries to meet certain writers, and have never been disappointed. I've also attended panels and presentations about the literary industry in some awesome library theater rooms. And it doesn't just stop there, because libraries are hubs for public and free events. So what are you waiting for?!
You Become Instantly Involved In Your Community
When I first moved to a big new city and didn't know a single soul within hundreds of miles, the first place I went to was the closest public library. Not only did I receive a shiny new library card, but I was also given access to a seven-story building full of people who were welcoming and encouraging. Along with thousands of books. If you're ever in need of joining a book club, researching a big project, or just want to meet some interesting new people, the library will always be your best bet.
Images: Joe St. Pierre/Flickr; giphy (9)