Everyone knows that autumn arguably brings the best flavors all year, but those pumpkin spice lattes actually have more benefits than you might realize. Nothing gets me more in the Halloween spirit than making a DIY pumpkin spice foot scrub. The seeds that hide underneath the tough exterior of a pumpkin are moisturizing and nourishing which means I'm all about putting pumpkin guts on my bod. I've recently become obsessed with making foot scrubs, so I dreamed up the perfect pumpkin spiced foot scrub to end the sad woes of a woman on her feet for 12 hours a day. That woman, of course, being yours truly.
According to sources at Stylecraze, pumpkins are known for their powerful antioxidants which are largely attributed to their high content of vitamins A, B, E, and K. While vitamin E is a common at-home remedy for dry skin, applying the thick oil topically isn't the best way to combat dry, cracked skin. Personally, I've found that using foods, herbs, and oils high in vitamin E and other nutrients to be way more effective; a pumpkin is definitely a food I'm willing to dip my foot in to restore moisture. Pumpkin seeds can also help promote skin elasticity while restoring new cell growth.
Even if you're not a fan of the PSL, you can indulge in the pumpkin spice craze year-round with this deliciously effective foot scrub. Here's how to make it yourself.
1. Gut Your Pumpkin
My fave DIY body recipes usually involve a knife bigger than my forearm and this pumpkin foot scrub is no different. I carved a square hole at the top of my pumpkin, carefully gutting the inside with a sharp metal spoon to extract the seeds. Don't be afraid to get some of those guts into the mix because the pumpkin pulp is oozing with nutrients.
2. Add A Yummy Exfoliate
I rarely choose sugar over salt — for the occasional bout of the munchies and my exfoliates — but pumpkin spice season has me craving organic brown sugar. I added just under a cup of brown sugar to my seeds and pulp to give my hard-working feet the delicious scrubbin' that they deserve.
3. Try Some Honey in Your Scrub
This foot scrub is even sweeter on the feet with a tablespoon of honey involved. I used about a tablespoon of raw honey, making my exfoliate even thicker and yummy. Adding honey isn't just for show either, it's going to provide cleansing and balancing properties to your scrub.
4. Add Extra Oils
For good measure, I added a tablespoon of both coconut and organic canola oil to make the scrub super moisturizing. Steer clear of any oils with a strong smell as they'll just clash with that intoxicating pumpkin spice scent you're going for.
5. Spice Up Your Scrub
Now it's time to get your pumpkin scrub all spiced up! I added nutmeg and cinnamon which have anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties. I used about a tablespoon of both spices to make sure I had a good, strong scent going.
6. Blend Your Ingredients Together
Since you'll be blending sugar and seeds, make sure you have a solid method of blending like a food processor or a heavy-duty blender. I manually mix my ingredients together before tossing them all together in my NutriBullet. Blend your ingredients together until you've got a smooth, thick texture for scrubbing.
7. Add Essential Oils
Add your essential oils after you've blended your scrub together; I find that adding potent essentials afterwards keeps the integrity and scent of the essential oil. For this pumpkin spice foot scrub, I added a few drops of vanilla extract, sweet orange, and clove essential oil.
8. Save Your Pumpkin
Because sustainable beauty brings a big ole smile to my face, I saved my pumpkin for a fun carving project. Remember, your pumpkin will not stay forever so be sure to make sure your creation isn't rotting after about a week. Enjoy!
Images: Kristin Collins Jackson (8)