13 Last-Minute Group Pun Costumes For Your Squad

I have a secret to tell you. I’ve always wanted to do a group costume for Halloween. It’s been a fantasy of mine to be one of those clever, punny individuals in a mass group costume that totally wins at parties. This year, it’s happening. Except I haven’t organized the costume yet… What does that mean? It’s time to pull out the trusty last-minute group pun Halloween costume ideas to save the day!
Pun costumes are all the rage right now, and I can see why. First, it’s guaranteed that everyone will love it, no matter how little effort you put into it. Second, you can put in as little effort as you want! You could make a stop by the local craft store the day of your Halloween party, and put together an award-winning costume in less than 30 minutes.
If you and your friends are anything like me, you need a go-to list of last-minute costumes you can throw together on Oct. 30. I’ve rounded up my favorite group pun costumes for just such a purpose. Get your pun on with these hilarious and clever costumes. Just be sure you are prepared to accept the award for best group costume, because it’s impossible not to win with these gems.
1. Spice Girls
It’s time to grab your gal pals, because the Spice Girls are back in action. There’s nothing like blasting Wannabe while drinking wine and assembling your costumes. Just sayin’.
What You’ll Need: Have everyone dress in something similar (think all black dresses, or jeans and black tops). You can either print out blown up spice labels on cardboard and loop the sign around your neck, or grab some colored paper, dark markers, and tape if you are feeling extra crafty. Everyone gets to choose her favorite spice!
2. Black Eyed Peas
Think you’re badass enough to pull off the Black Eyed Peas this Halloween? Even if you aren’t, you can still color in that black eye and pretend you are…
What You’ll Need: Black makeup to create a black eye on everyone’s faces, and some sort of “P” to attach to your chest. You can make a “P” sign with paper and markers, or use duct or masking tape stuck directly on your clothing.
3. Grapes of Wrath
This costume is like the easy, clever cousin to dressing up as the Hulk. As long as you can harness that angry persona and have some balloons, you just created a winning bunch.
What You’ll Need: Green or purple balloons. Blow up the balloons and attach them all over to turn yourselves into bunches of grapes using tape or safety pins (be careful if you’re using the pins!). Then, just burst out in anger whenever you feel like it! Bonus points if your group attaches to each other with rope; who doesn’t love a grapevine?
4. Spelling Bees
Remember those tedious spelling bees in elementary school? It’s time to make them a fond memory at your next Halloween soiree. Gather together your friends, and get those buzz words going. Spontaneous spelling challenges are encouraged throughout the evening.
What You’ll Need: Black and yellow striped shirts with black pants or skirts (or go all out and snag an actual bee costume). Cut out challenging words, and tape them all over your body. Don’t forget to grab a set of wings!
5. Dunkin Donuts
This is the best basketball team you’ll ever join, primarily because doughnuts are involved. You all know I’m right.
What You’ll Need: Your favorite basketball jersey, and an inflatable doughnut. Can’t find an inflatable doughnut in time? No problem! Make one out of a piece of cardboard, and decorate it with markers and colored paper for sprinkles. Just grab a basketball, and you’re all set.
6. French Kiss
The legendary band just went to France and back. This is a perfect group costume for any of you rockers out there who still like to jam out to Kiss, or who just love any excuse to paint your face for Halloween.
What You’ll Need: A black and white stripped shirt, a beret, and black and white face paint. Play the part, and incorporate French wine and bread if you can!
7. Cereal Killers
The idea of one cereal killer is scary enough, but a group of them? People will be fleeing to protect their favorite morning bowl of sugary deliciousness as soon as you arrive!
What You’ll Need: A cute outfit, a knife, and boxes of cereal (mini or full size will work). I would say “empty” boxes, but let’s be real. How awesome would it be to dig into a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch while you wait for your Uber ride home?
8. Social butterflies
Time to put that obsession with Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to good use! Gather together your ladies, and throw on some wings — you’re about to become the hit of the party.
What You’ll Need: Tutus and butterfly wings. Print out your favorite social media icons, and attach them all over your body. You can also each pick your favorite and represent them throughout the night. Get ready to start throwing out those likes and favorites.
9. Mini M&Ms
This group costume idea combines two of my favorite things — Disney and chocolate. If you really want to nail this one, make sure you get the full rainbow of M&M colors in your group!
What You’ll Need: Have everyone pick their favorite mini M&M color to dress in. Cut out two “Ms” for everyone’s chest, and grab a pair of Minnie Mouse hands or ears with the bow.
10. Killer Bees
Get your swarm on with this evil option for a group. Think of all the fun you can have literally swarming the bar, or a cute group of guys/girls!
What You’ll Need: Black and yellow striped shirts with black pants or skirts. Give everyone a water gun, and you’re ready to go. Can you say midnight Halloween killer bee water fight? Heck yes.
11. Hashtags
This one is by far my favorite idea this year. Hash browns + playing tag = hashtag. Seriously, it’s too perfect! Plus you have a built-in excuse to play tag all night. Talk about the best way to get your bestie out of an awkward conversation.
What You’ll Need: This one takes a little more craft, but all you need is some construction paper and string. Cut a large white square, and a large brown oval. Attach the brown oval behind the white square, and write “Hash Browns” on the front of the white box. Then attach it around your neck with string!
12. One Direction
You can skip the skinny jeans and crazy hair for this version of a One Direction group costume. Just know that you are required to dance it out whenever a One Direction song comes on. You’ve been warned.
What You’ll Need: Everyone picks one direction, and draws a compass with a black marker labeling their chosen direction on a cheap white t-shirt.
13. Oh Deer
Oh dear! I mean, deer! The hardest part of this cute getup is making sure your hair stays in those tight little buns all night long (hello girl problems).
What You’ll Need: A brown shirt, and a white marker or puff paint. Draw an “Oh!” on the front of your brown shirt, throw your hair up into two buns, and grab some twigs for antlers. Extra points if you do the face makeup to match.
For more Halloween ideas, check out Bustle on YouTube.
Images: kels.vmn; mad_irene; Johanna Huybers; Get2KnowNoke; azwilson; jess gray; charlottelee33; Jew Chainz; megty24; sweethoney71; Lauren Lanker; Raquel; kelseygruls/Instagram