Is No OKCupid Profile Too Terrible?

Will online daters still message a pretty woman with a mean, weird, and generally terrible profile? Yes, found comedian and writer Alli Reed, after using a photo of a beautiful friend (Australian actor and journalist Rae Johnston) to create a fictional OKCupid page for a user called AaronCarterFan. A longtime OKCupid user herself, Reed — who just seems awesome, based on her website and profile, btw — "got the feeling that a lot of men on that site would message literally any woman who had a profile." So she created "the Worst Woman on Earth, hoping to prove that there exists an online dating profile so loathsome that no man would message it."
Nope. Or at least Reed's racist, tacky, LOL-happy creation wasn't quite loathsome enough. "I figured any profile with photos of a beautiful woman would get a few messages from men whose boners were willing to overlook her personality," Reed writes. "I figured, maybe she'd get a couple of messages a day from people with especially low reading comprehension." Within a day, AaronCarterFan received 150 messages.
Thinking perhaps no one read the profile or "they thought that she was fun-crazy instead of actually-ruin-your-life crazy," Reed decided to message some of them to clarify. "My new goal was to get these men to stop messaging her back," she said. "I was going to make AaronCarterFan come across as so abhorrent that not even the kinds of dudes who comment on YouPorn videos would respond to her."
Nope. Despite being "unforgivably awful," spouting utter nonsense, and insisting that meetups must involve mermaid tattoos and teeth extractions, OKCupid suitors were undeterred. You should probably go read the lot of them in Reed's piece, but I'll leave you with two samples:
Naturally, Reed's OKCupid experiment is captivating Australian TV producers and generally spreading all over the Internet. Some have accused Reed of being mean-spirited or misandrist. To the haters, she says:
Image: Fotolia