I think Aziz Ansari has found his new home: The former Parks And Recreation star brings humor to hard truths in the trailer for Netflix's Master of None . The series stars Ansari as a 30-year-old actor who isn't entirely sure what he wants out of life. Everything is up in the air from his relationship with Noël Wells' (sure to be the breakout star of the series) character to his acting career. There is an effortlessness in the way the trailer weaves current social topics — Instagram inequality, the morning-after pill, diversity — with Ansari's trademark boyish humor. There is just no way around it, Ansari is going to be off the charts charming in Master of None — even as the show is designed to hit you straight in the emotions.
Once you watch the trailer for yourself, you are going to be wishing it was Nov. 6 right now so you could marathon the entire series. From the perfectly-timed one-liners to pint-sized scene-stealers, there is nothing not to love about Ansari's Master of None. If Tom Haverford and your favorite indie movie had a baby, Master of None would be the result.
So, treat yo' self to six reasons why Master of None is your next favorite show, and then watch the trailer below.
1. The Show Appears To Be Super Feminist
In the span of a two-minute trailer, a couple decide together to go pick up the morning after pill and it's not a huge deal — and later, when Dev's girlfriend Rachel tells her there are some things men just don't understand, he doesn't shoot her down. Instead, he sincerely wants to know about them. And, when they compare Instagram feeds, he is genuinely shocked by the sexism in her comments section. If all 10 episodes are that honest and openly feminist, then this show is going to kick so many other comedies' butts.
2. Dev Is Genuinely Lovable
Shows about guys who are stuck in a state of arrested development aren't always the most entertaining shows to watch, because the leads tend to be fairly insufferable. But, Ansari's Dev is instantly watchable. He's sweet, funny, and makes the best faces.
3. It's Tackling Race In A Realistic & Funny Way
Ansari does not shy away from Hollywood's whitewashing or the assumptions people make about race. The scene where Dev goes in for an audition and is asked to do an Indian accent is turned into a beautiful set piece for Ansari. His comebacks are so on point, you will be torn between laughing and cheering.
4. Everyone Is Experiencing Growing Pains
Trust me, this show will be relevant to your interests if you are contemplating getting into a serious relationship, trying to establish yourself in your career, or basically just figuring out how to adult. Everything about the trailer is relatable and full of a sense of community. Dev and his friends are in this crazy adulthood thing together, and there's something comforting about that.
5. Dev & Rachel Are Kind Of Perfect
You know how sometimes you instantly fall for a TV couple? This is one of those times.
6. The Jokes All Land
"Hey, don't yell out people's ethnicities!" That's just one of many, many instantly quotable lines. The jokes are genuinely funny. There's not a single cringe-worthy line in the entire trailer.
Master of None truly looks like another winner for Netflix and the fact that it puts Ansari front and center is a bonus. Ansari's talent shines through in every part of the trailer. If the show is just half as good as what I've seen so far, I'm pretty sure everyone is about to have a new comedy obsession. Check out the trailer below.
Images: Ruvan Wijesooriya/Netflix; Netflix/YouTube (6)