Your Ultimate Halloween Playlist Is Here

While I definitely consider myself a Christmas loyalist, in the past few years, I've finally started to fully appreciate Halloween in all its glory. I've always been a big fan of autumn and loved everything that comes with it — the pumpkins, the changing color of the leaves, the warm beverages — but Halloween faded from my holiday favorites list after I got too old to go trick-or-treating for pillowcases full of delicious candy. However, I recently got smart and realized that not only is Halloween totally underrated, but that I'm a grown woman and I can buy as much candy as I want, whenever I want. In other words, Halloween is officially the best and the only things that makes it better is a kick ass Halloween playlist that will get you through your night. From smearing on grease paint makeup and taking your younger siblings trick-or-treating so you can raid their candy stash later, to hitting up a more adult-friendly party for All Hallow's Eve dressed as, I don't know, Sexy Pizza Rat, I've got songs to keep you covered.
No matter what you're up to this October 31, you're going to need some songs to serve as the soundtrack to your life, and they're going to have to be good if you're going to get through it in one piece. Don't worry, I've got just the thing and have figured out the perfect tracks for every situation you'll deal with on the big night.
When Your Little Sister Gets Scared Of A Pretty Impressive Costume:
It goes without saying that Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters? is a natural choice, because you're there to protect your younger brothers and sisters from any creepy things out there that they're scared of, right?
When You See Your Ex At A Halloween Party:
Let Tegan & Sara serve as the soundtrack to seeing your ex in that stupid zombie costume he put together after watching too many episodes of The Walking Dead. See ya, sucker.
When You're Feeling Fly In Your Amazing Costume:
No matter who or what you dress as this Halloween, you'll want to feel like the total badass you are, and Florence + The Machine's "Seven Devils" will help get you there. You'll be feeling hardcore enough to burn entire kingdoms down in no time.
When You See A Hot Guy Accompanying Another Kid Trick-Or-Treating:
Nina Simone's version of "I Put A Spell On You" will get you ready to for some Halloween romance in no time (assuming the new apple of your eye is actually single).
When You're Ready To Really Celebrate Halloween:
Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is the quintessential Halloween song that will outlive you and me both and even our grandchildren. It's just that timeless. If you really want to feel like you're in the Halloween spirit, this is the track to put on.
When The Moon Is High In The Sky & You're Feeling Crazy:
When the kids have finished trick-or-treating and it's time for the adults to have fun, you'll need to issue a battle cry to get them all out and ready to party. That's where Shakira's "She Wolf" comes into play.
When You Go Home With That Guy From The Costume Party:
Even if you're just making out, Eminem and Rihanna know what it's like to be in love with the monster... perhaps literally (at least for tonight).
When You're Telling Ghost Stories With Your Friends:
You know the idea of ghosts and the undead is total boloney, that doesn't mean it's not scary. You just need to pop on Stevie Wonder's "Superstition" and realize these stories are simply that: superstitions.
When You Finish A Walking Dead Marathon:
When it's late and you've been partying all night in your uncomfortable but totally hot costume, you pop in The Walking Dead to keep the Halloween festivities going. You'll need The Cranberries' "Zombie" to go along with your undead marathon, so make sure to hit it up.
When You Can't Believe How Many Freaks Are Out On Halloween:
Whodini's "Freaks Come Out At Night" perfectly captures the joy and weirdness of the people who stalk the streets on Halloween night with their bizarre costumes and even more bizarre behavior.
When You're Raiding Your Little Brother Or Sister's Candy Stash:
Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy" is the only song you need, especially because their little teeth shouldn't have so much sugar, anyway. You're doing them a favor by taking all the Butterfingers, right?
When You've Just Come Out Of A Haunted House:
No Doubt's "Spiderwebs" is just playful enough to shake off the sheer terror that runs through your bones in a haunted house and shake you back to reality.
When You're Saying Goodbye To Halloween But Already Looking Forward To Next Year:
Shut it down with DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince's "Nightmare On My Street" — it's the perfect ending to a killer Halloween night.
If you weren't already excited for Halloween, hopefully this playlist did the trick. Queue it up and get ready to party, because it's going to be an amazing October 31.
Image: Hide Obara/Unsplash