Kate & Leon Continue To Feud On 'Below Deck'
When Captain Lee speaks, you listen, but apparently Kate and Leon didn't get that memo. The fearless leader of the Eros on Below Deck warned the crew that they needed to relieve the tension on the ship and start working as a team again. Eddie and Rocky seem to have obliged with their laundry room rendezvous. However, Kate and Leon, to whom the captain was really speaking, continued to feud during Tuesday night's episode of Below Deck, and it hit their absolute worst.
Knowing that Kate and Leon have bickered all season, it's not really surprising to see them go at it once again on the show. However, their passive aggression took on a whole new level during Tuesday night's episode, which is something you just have to see to believe.
I have to hand it to Kate, though. She gave this charter the old college try with Leon once again this episode because she really wanted to make it something special for the guests and, you know, get that cash money at the end of it. For instance, Kate tried to emphasize to Leon to make the charter guest a birthday cake from scratch instead of out of the box because he apparently has never had a proper birthday cake, which is also just a really depressing fact. But this charter guest should have known better than to leave his special day in the hands of Leon. The chef found absolutely no sentiment in what Kate was saying and just kept on doing his work the way he wanted.
Then, Kate wanted to use an old cardboard box to turn Connie into a shark (you had to be there), but Leon forbade her from doing so and quite aggressively, I might add. This was essentially the last straw, and from then on, it seemed as if the Kate-Leon feud tore the ship in two with Amy surprisingly on Kate's side and Rocky and Emile strong allies of Leon's, even though Eddie begged his deck crew to not get swept up in all the drama. But we all know that he's not really one to talk considering the fact that he's hooking up with Rocky on the down low.

By the end of the episode, Kate wasn't even speaking to Leon. She thought since he wanted to treat the interior crew like waitstaff, she would write the charter guests' orders on a little piece of paper. But just because Kate and Leon aren't talking to each other anymore doesn't mean they can't still fight.
My guess is that this is going to get resolved during next week's episode in the form of Leon getting the boot from Captain Lee. The captain already expressed his displeasure with Leon not respecting Kate and authority in general. The teaser for next week's episode showed that Captain Lee will not only be giving a stern talking to Leon but Ben will also return to the show, which makes it seem like the ship will need some help in the kitchen. Being filled with glee over the possibility of Leon going home is the only thing that's going to sustain me until next week's episode airs.
Image: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo