PSA: You Can Carbonate Fruit, And It's Delicious
Carbonation isn't just for water — ChefSteps shows you how to carbonate fruit in a video that will make you the party trick master. According to the people sampling the carbonated fruit in another video, this is "way better than pop rocks," and it's "pretty addicting". Judging from their facial reactions, eating a piece of carbonated fruit is like having a little explosion in your mouth. Carbonated fruit "brings a big smile" and is "incredible". Not going to lie, I am curious. And salivating a little bit. What? I was already hungry and this isn't helping.
So what's the science behind fizzy fruit? The process of actually creating it is just as interesting as the carbonated fruit itself. It involves dry ice, which becomes gaseous carbon dioxide as it warms up, as Chef Chris Young explains. You had me at "dry ice", Chris. The carbon dioxide then dissolves into the water inside the fruit. But how do you get it in there? Can we do this at home? So many questions! Excuse me while I Google "Where to buy dry ice and grapes in Queens." Meanwhile, here are the instructions from ChefSteps on carbonating fruit, just in case you wanted to give it a shot:
1. Put The Dry Ice In An Eski
2. Let The Fruit Cool, But Not Freeze
3. Tip: Sweet Fruit Works Better
4. Seal The Eski Well To Create Pressure
The higher pressure means that more carbon dioxide molecules will cram their way into the water in the fruit, to make it even fizzier.
5. Enjoy!
Watch the whole video below for your daily science lesson:
Images: YouTube (6)