Jessie James Decker's Body Pos Insta Is Important
After Chrissy Teigen, Jessie James Decker is pretty much my favorite celebrity to follow on Instagram. She's got two adorable children, a total hottie for a husband, and she's refreshingly honest (and hilarious) in her posts. (Plus, she's as short as I am and gives me hope that I can marry someone super tall, too). Today, Jessie James Decker posted an Instagram photo of her post-pregnancy body, and her caption was so heartfelt and sincere.
Decker, who's married to NY Jets wide receiver Eric Decker, recently gave birth to her second child, a boy named Eric Thomas Decker II (awww). She's also mom to 2-year-old Vivianne, who's absolutely adorable. She delivered Eric via C-section in September, and has been posting adorable photos of her newly expanded family ever since then. However, she's been receiving tons of comments from Instagram followers about how quickly she's lost the baby weight, and she posted a powerful photo in response to them.
In the photo, she stands in front of a mirror wearing sweatpants and a gray tank top that's pulled up to show her post-pregnancy "pooch" and C-section scar. In the caption, she wrote, "I appreciate all the sweet comments about how tiny I look after baby! But I don't want to mislead any mommy's who just had babies and are stressing!"
She went on to explain that she had less morning sickness with this pregnancy, which meant she was able to eat a more normal diet and walk regularly. As a result, she gained less weight. "I am still 15 pounds away from what I was originally before I got pregnant with Vivianne," she continued. "I take occasional walks but I haven't done anything yet to try and lose weight and am in no rush!" She's nursing, so she said she's more concerned with eating enough to keep her milk supply up right now.
The Instagram she posted on Wednesday night was the one that triggered her fan's responses.
Obviously, Decker looks great, but I like the "real" photo even more. It's always refreshing to see celebrities who aren't afraid to show fans their real lives. I also love this photo she posted a couple weeks ago.
In her caption, Decker emphasized how important it is for moms to support one another. "Being a mommy is so rewarding but hard work so we need to stick together and help each other out," she wrote. "I'm not perfect but I do my best. That's what it's all about."
It's easy to look at her Instagram and think her life is pretty perfect. I mean, this basically looks like an ad.
But I also love that she posts realistic photos of her at home, chilling with her kids with no makeup on, wearing sweats. She's not afraid to admit she barely sleeps because she's, um, dealing with a newborn.
At the end of the caption of her latest Instagram, Decker mentioned she wants to do more posts supporting other moms and showing the less glamorous side of her life. I, for one, am super excited to see more.