Behold, DIY Halloween Gummy Bear Jell-O Shots
In honor of the festive month of October, we'd like to share a very special, very adult, very chic recipe with you: gummy bear Jell-O shots for Halloween. Because what classy lady doesn't have a few giggly vodka hacks up her sleeve? The gummy bear in gummy bear Jell-O vodka shot will really up your hostess game. It's a delicious, nostalgic nod to childhood and Halloween, and yet a genius, covert method for getting shwasted.
Halloween is everyone's favorite excuse to eat too much candy and drink too much. It's really the junk food kicker off-er for the holiday season. By the day after Halloween you've already forgotten what real human food looks like, and while you might have spent your entire night eating candy, your pockets are still full of it — and so begin the days of rationalizing candy for breakfast. Those days will lead the way through November, eventually landing on Thanksgiving ... at which point you're already walking around with a Snickers bar in both hands.
But these vodka gummies beat out all your other treats, because they're a two-for-one deal. Here, think about it this way — you love gummy bears, you love vodka, you love Jell-O, and when you mix them all together, you get a great and semi-dangerous treat with double the trouble. What's great about the fact that they're filled with vodka is that you're not going to eat a whole bag of them. You're only going to have a few ... because otherwise you'll be in the hospital. Really, only have a few. No one wants to wake up the day after Halloween in an emergency room. Here's how you make them:
Pull out that flavored vodka
Measure out 1 cup of fruit flavored vodka and dump in a large, empty mixing bowl.
Jell-O Time
Heat a cup of water on high. Once the water reaches a boil, add in your favorite Jell-O mix.
Now pour that hot, neon Jell-O mix into your bowl of room temperature vodka and add one cup of cold water.
Gummy bear party
Soak the chosen gummy bears in a separate jar of vodka for at least six hours. Let them get real turnt.
Place your shwasted gummies in muffin wrappers and pour mixed Jell-O solution over them. Encasing them in their soon-to-be giggly goodness.
Cool, then party
Refrigerate your creations in for five hours to ensure their firm gigglyness. Then get nuts. But not too nuts. Watch the full video here.
And now sing this song.
Images: YouTube (6)