What the American Horror Story: Hotel premiere lacked in the Evan Peters department, it more than made up for in Wednesday night's follow-up episode "Chutes and Ladders." Not only were we treated to a firsthand account of Mr. March's AHS: Hotel backstory, but we were also introduced to an intriguing new character: Mrs. March. That's right, folks — even crazy hotel serial killers can find love, which is just a very reassuring concept in general. And while the identity of Mr. March's wife is still unknown (we never actually see her face, just the back of her head), I'm willing to be that it turns out to be none other than Peters' former real life love interest, Emma Roberts.
Granted, I don't have any concrete evidence to back up this particular theory, but considering that Roberts is scheduled to appear later on in the season, this seems like a pretty logical assumption to make. (Though when has this show ever done anything logically?) And call me crazy (most people do), but I felt as though the woman's soft spoken voice even sounded a little bit like Roberts. And really, who wouldn't want to see these two in such a Bonnie and Clyde-type scenario. (You know, if Bonnie and Clyde were psycho killers.)
According to Iris' story, March used to make his wife watch as he tortured the hotel victims. Perhaps she wasn't as into his little Hotel of Horrors as he was and decided to turn him into the police. From what I understand, his death marked a pretty great payday for her. I wouldn't be all the surprised if she was the mastermind behind his demise. After all, there's no wrath like a woman scorned. And there's no better woman that would fill such a glorious part than the Queen Bee of badass bitchery, Roberts herself.
Image: Frank Ockenfels/FX