Deacon hasn’t had the easiest go of it as of late on Nashville. He was diagnosed with liver cancer last season, went basically into liver failure, almost got a transplant, didn’t get a transplant, and then got his estranged sister, Beverly, to give up part of her liver to help him. Then, Beverly went into a coma on the operating table, had a stroke, and had to be taken off of life support by Scarlett, Deacon’s niece. Oh, and all of this came after Deacon learned that Maddie was actually his daughter and relapsed. Eesh, right? Now, due to the stress from all of those experiences, Deacon is hurting his relationships on Nashville .
It’s not a surprise that Beverly's death is the straw that’s breaking the camel’s back. Like we've seen him do in many other situations, Deacon blames himself for Beverly’s passing, even though all of the doctors said that she had an unknown underlying condition and none of it was Deacon’s fault. At his sister's funeral, Deacon had an outburst, saying that it wasn’t Beverly’s time to go, and then he pushed away Rayna when she tried to comfort him after the funeral was over. Later, when Maddie tried to spend time with her father, Deacon said he had to “run home” to get a few things.
What did he do at home? Basically just broke everything: punched mirrors, threw ceramics, etc. He had rage that we really haven’t seen from him in a long time. Unfortunately, Maddie and her boyfriend were there to witness it, because they stopped by to drop off dinner for him. Needless to say, she was shocked.
Rayna, Maddie — who will Deacon push away next? Well, Scarlett, for starters. He blames her for pulling the plug on her mother, even though it was an extremely difficult decision for her. Deacon even said out loud that Scarlett gave up on Beverly too quickly, so I’m guessing that he’s not going to forgive her any time soon. I hope Deacon can soon find a healthier outlet for his grief, instead of continuing to take it out on the people who love him.
Images: Mark Levine/ABC; Giphy