Swipe Right On This Tinder For Pet Adoption

All your dating dreams have been answered with PawsLikeMe, a site that is basically just Tinder for pet adoption. PawsLikeMe operates like a dating site, but rather than match you up with your perfect partner, it matches you up with your perfect pet. Because let's face it, eventually you get your priorities straight and realize who's going to be there for you in the end, and it's not your last Tinder date. It's going to be that adorable buddy you took home from the pound who will love you wildly and unconditionally forever and ever. If that isn't compelling enough reason to log on, consider that around 70 percent of pets are re-homed in their lives, and given that shelters in New York put down animals who aren't adopted, that's surely cause to start swiping right if you live in the city.
Once you've signed up for the site, it will ask you a bunch of questions to determine your personality (which is more than can be said for people Tinder), and then it will start matching you with adoptable dogs that are compatible to you personally. The dogs have lovely little OKCupid style profiles, and you can get to know them a little bit better, and decide if one might be right for you to adopt, at which point you can begin your adoption application. I had a poke around the site and here's how it went:
1. First I Answered Some Preliminary Questions On The Front Page
2. Then I Filled Out The Longer Questionnaire
Which had more in depth questions, and took about five minutes to get through.
3. When I Was Done, I Got A Brief Run Down Of My Perfect Dog
5. Including Puppies Like Willow
6. Charley
7. And Dino!
PawsLikeMe also provides adopters with an adoption package, including 30 days of free pet insurance, more than $100 in pet product discounts and coupons, and a pet parenting guide. If you're looking to adopt, get on Paws Like Me NOW!
Images: Pexels; Courtesy of Paws Like Me