Forget the threat of goblins, ghouls, and ghosts — it's the nerve-wracking pressure to find an actually cool Halloween costume that makes this holiday truly scary. You want something that's witty, topical, and shows you put in more effort than, say, grabbing the closest pair of animal ears and calling it a day. So which 2015 Halloween costume should you wear this year? Let this flowchart be your Halloween spirit guide.
When it comes to dressing up, you know that simplicity is key. You're not looking for a costume to rival Heidi Klum's, but you do want something that shows the world that you are a creative millennial superstar who knows a thing or two about trending topics. So far, 2015 has been a fantastic year for costume opportunities. It's introduced us to the likes of Left Shark, Pizza Rat, and rainbow puke. There have also been a few scary moments, too — like when we were almost tricked into thinking that eating guac with peas was cool, or that time a single dress threatened to tear friendships apart with its color-changing mind games.
It's not that you don't have costume options this Halloween — it's that you have too many options. This spooky holiday comes but once a year, and you don't want the ghost of Halloweens past to shackle you with regret down the road because your costume didn't meet its full 2015 potential. It's time to find the perfect timely costume for you, and this flowchart is going to help you do just that.
Click HERE to find out what you should be for Halloween.
Image: Bustle