'DASH Dolls' Star Durrani Is Raking In The Cash
The premiere season of DASH Dolls has provided all of the reality TV drama we could want from a Kardashian franchise. From high fashion, to relationship drama, to girl grudges, to fancy gifts, DASH Dolls has it all — especially for Durrani Popal. She has been part of the DASH family for a long time and currently works as the boutique’s merchandising manager. But, one of her most memorable moments from the series was the extravagant gift of a pink Bentley from her boyfriend Shalom. With a car that looks like Barbie’s and a reality series, what does it cost to live such a charmed life? In other words, what is Dash Dolls’ Durrani Popal’s net worth?
While Popal has not made that information public, it's not too hard to make some estimations based on her career. The national average salary for a merchandising manager is $64,344, according to GlassDoor.com. She also lives in Los Angeles, which has a higher cost of living, meaning she probably makes more than the national average at DASH. And, that’s not all. This reality star is a bit of a renaissance woman. She has money coming in from several different ventures — including a jewelry line.
In addition to working for DASH and getting compensated for the E! reality series, Popal is also a jewelry designer. Jewels by Durrani merchandise can cost upwards of $100, and, with popularity from the series, you can imagine the increase in clicks and purchases. She also is no stranger to the sponsored Instagram post. When scrolling through her profile, you’ll find it littered with product endorsements. Which are likely well compensated.
From reality TV paychecks, to online jewelry orders, to a DASH salary, to paid endorsements, Popal is proving to be a smart businesswoman. It's likely she rakes in over $100,000 a year, and that's just an estimate. See more of Popal and her sweet life on DASH Dolls.
Image: Dale Berman/E! Entertainment