9 Halloween Hair Tutorials That Own The Night
There are a lot of really spectacular makeup tutorials going around, and that's awesome, but what's great makeup without great hair? I've assembled a collection of cute, spooky, and fun Halloween hair tutorials, because it's not all about the makeup. I mean, seriously, who goes through all the effort of doing cool make up and finding the perfect costume, only to ignore the hair? The answer is no one.
A lot of these videos feature hair looks so iconic that they serve as the main focal point of the costume, so the rest of the look can be something simple and complementary. Some of the Halloween hairstyles are cute enough to wear year round. Well, I suppose all of them are cute enough to wear year round if the zombie apocalypse happens or you have a lot of horror show viewing parties.
I've chosen both complicated and simple styles, in case you're pressed for time or you want a challenge. Most of them require simple tools, like curling irons, a comb and some hairspray. Pretty much all of them require you to buy stock in bobby pins, so come prepared. And remember, these Halloween hair tutorials are just a starting point for you to create something that's your own.
1. Zombie Cheerleader
This bring back all the horror of my '90s high school hair.
2. Rosie The Riveter
Badass women + badass hair = win.
3. Marie Antoinette Or Victorian Woman
This is pretty awesome, so be careful if you're showing a lot of ankle. Suitors will swoon.
4. Cat Ears And Bride Of Frankenstein
Pshhh, and you thought you actually had to buy cat ears.
5. Vintage Gwen Stefani
The '90s-themed costumes are a big deal this year, so here's some vintage Gwen.
6. Amy Winehouse
There has been a lot of controversy over this costume in the past. Just make sure you wear it in tribute and not to make light of her tragic death. Keep it classy.
7. Medusa
Hair so fierce it turns those who look upon it into stone. Also known as: My morning hair.
8. Minnie Mouse Ears
I don't really want to talk about how cute this is. I'll get all emotional.
9. Cinderella
You can tell everyone you are your own fairy godmother. Because empowerment
Halloween hair is just as important as Halloween makeup, in my opinion. Go big or go home, right?
Images: Kayley Melissa/YouTube