Why 'Pride And Prejudice And Zombies' Is Feminist

If there's one thing that I love more than Jane Austen, it's feminism. And, thankfully, so many of Austen’s novel go hand-in-hand with that illustrious F-word: They're all about smart women using what little agency they have to buck societal norms, and live a life that makes them happy. Of course, considering they were set, like, 200 years ago, the societal noms that the female characters face off against are a little different to the ones we all know to be true in modern times. Women today have so much more power, so much more education, and, thankfully, so much more control over how they live their life today. So, when it comes to the women in Austen's novels, they are bucking societal norms — it's just that the norms are incredibly outdated. Now, though, enter the latest in movie adaptations: The Pride and Prejudice and Zombies trailer is here, and it totally turns this entire premise on its head.
If you're not aware of what this project is, first, let me explain: Based on the Seth Grahame-Smith novel by the same name, the movie (and novel) is a melding together of sorts — joining Austen’s famous novel with, well, the end of the world. And zombies. As much as I may have hesitated when I first heard the premise, all of you literary purists will be happy to know: the new trailer for the film looks absolutely fierce.
These Bennett sisters slay. Literally.
And, if the movie is anything like the trailer, than this film is going to have some serious feminist undertones. In fact, this movie might just be the feminist film of 2016.
Even though, by nature, Austen’s novels were ahead of their time when it came to women choosing the life they wanted to live and whether or not they wanted to marry, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies promises to take her satirical take on society one step further. The trailer starts with dialogue very becoming of an 18th century novel: “To succeed in polite society, a young woman must be many things: kind, well-read, and accomplished,” the voice of Elizabeth Bennett declares, as scenes of balls and group dances flash across the screen. And, then the shot pans left to reveal a zombie lurking behind our heroine. Cue a kickass line about young women needing “other qualities” to survive, some heavy music, and a bunch of young women in Regency-era gowns going to town on some creepy looking zombies.
Sure, the trailer is fun and catchy, but I think it signals something else in the film that is way more important than just badass chicks getting violent. With that kind of lead-in voice-over, it’s clear that the film is playing on the restrictive society Austen was fighting so hard against in her novels. In this project, women can funnel their frustration with society's expectations of them into killing zombies. And kicking some serious ass.
For, centuries young women have looked up to Lizzie Bennett for her wit and determination, but Pride and Prejudice and Zombies will give them a whole new Lizzie to look up to: One who can do more than just spout off a sharp comment and turn down a misguided proposal. The Lizzie Bennett of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies can take care of herself. She can hike up her skirt and wield a wooden bat and kill some creepy zombies if she has to.
And, if that isn’t a role model for young women today, then I don’t know what is.
Image: Cross Creek Pictures