‘Hail, Caesar!’ Is A Surefire Crowd Pleaser

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a film connoisseur, but I do love watching movies and think I have pretty good taste, so I hope you'll take my enthusiasm for Hail, Caesar! to heart. The new Joel and Ethan Coen project would be amazing enough on its own — seriously, Fargo is an all-time classic on its own — but Caesar actually boasts an incredible all-star cast that will knock your socks off (and believe me, my outdated colloquialism will make a lot more sense once you actually hear the plot). The likes of Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Frances McDormand, Josh Brolin, and Tilda Swinton all star, and from the looks of the new Hail, Caesar! trailer, this looks to be one of the best Coen brothers movies yet.
The basic premise is simple: a Hollywood "fixer" is responsible for keeping a 1950s movie set together as the crazy cast and crew attempt to put together an epic movie called — you guessed it — Hail, Caesar! and things go anything but smoothly. The specifics of the plot remain a mystery (even IMDB gave no guidance), but the trailer sort of speaks for itself, really. Here are the best parts of the trailer (and believe me, there are many):
Channing Tatum As A Dancing Sailor
Channing Tatum is a talented and accomplished dancer, so it's good to see his skills being put to use, even if the sailor costume is vaguely hilarious. I'll watch Tatum dance in anything, to be honest.
Scarlett Johansson As A Dazzling Water Mermaid
How can anyone not love Scarlett Johansson? She's a delight in everything she's in, and she suits the role of '50s Hollywood darling super well. I don't really know how this fits in with an ancient Roman storyline, but I'll take it anyway!
Clooney As... Caesar?
It's not often that you get to see George Clooney in full Roman garb, riding a chariot, right? Let's enjoy it while we can.
Clooney Drugged & Passed Out
Let's also enjoy the part of the plot which finds Clooney, a big star in the movie-within-a-movie, drugged and kidnapped by someone who wants to extort $100,000.
More Sailor Tatum!
No explanation needed, of course.
Johansson & Jonah Hill As Old-Timey Dick Tracey Characters
Don't get me wrong — Hill and Johansson definitely aren't Dick Tracey characters, but this scene was giving me major vibes and I loved it.
Tilda Swinton As Hedda Hopper
Have you ever seen any other human being capable of being more of a chameleon than Tilda Swinton? I think not.
The Wonderful Frances McDormand
Frances McDormand's character doesn't even have a name yet (on IMDB, that is), but the fact that she's in Hail, Caesar! in the first place is a wonderful, wonderful thing.
Hail, Caesar! doesn't come out until 2016, but here's the full trailer for you to repeatedly watch until then.
Images: Universal Pictures/YouTube