If you thought the Jon Snow speculation was starting to die down at all, then you — much like the Lord Commander himself — know nothing. On Thursday, the Game of Thrones panel at New York Comic Con erupted in a frenzy of theories once more when actress Keisha Castle-Hughes, who plays Obara Sand on the series, was asked who she would love to work with on show that she hasn't gotten a chance to do so with yet. And her response was almost involuntary: "Jon Snow," she replied. But, wait… how is he even a possibility at this point since the character is already "dead"? That is, unless Jon Snow is actually alive on Game of Thrones after all.
I was there, so I can say firsthand that Castle-Hughes immediately looked as though she'd accidentally let something slip that she wasn't supposed to. Between the frightened expression that crossed her face and her timid "oops" that instantly followed, I'd say we're one step closer to confirming what we've thought to be true all along — that Jon Snow will be back in Season 6 in some form or another.
Granted, it's difficult to say whether or not Castle-Hughes is in the position to know such a big secret. Given that her character is in Dorne, which (as we all know) is far away from anything that's going on up north by The Wall. So, I guess this could just be a case where she simply forgot that Snow had recently been killed. (She wouldn't have been on set at the time.)
However, my gut instinct says that this was a legit slip-up, especially considering the dead silence that immediately followed afterward. Not to mention how nervous the panelists looked after the fact. So, don't give up, folks. Jon Snow's fate seems to be getting brighter and brighter by the day. (*fingers crossed*)
For more on this year's NYCC, check out Bustle's body positive cosplay video:
Image: HBO