Whether you’re in a relationship or single, masturbating is good for you. It's one of the healthiest things you can do for your body and mind. Studies have found that masturbation isn’t just great for you on a physical level (because it feels so damn good!), but it’s also fantastic on a mental level, too. Masturbation helps relieve stress, improves your sex life, and because orgasms, and lots of them, lead to longer and healthier lives, masturbation can help you live longer, too… which means even more years to masturbate! Why anyone wouldn’t want to spend their downtime masturbating is beyond me. Your vagina loves you; she wants you play with her as often as possible.
But just as is the case with the sex you have with others, you can also improve the sex you have with yourself. No matter the situation, there’s always room for improvement and masturbation is no exception. I’m not suggesting some crazy, drastic improvement, but rather little things that you can tweak a bit to make your special alone time even more special.
So before you cuddle up with your favorite sex toy after work tonight, educate yourself on these eight easy ways to have an even better time masturbating. Your vagina will thank you.
1. Get A Toy That You’re Really In Love With
Sex toys are not a one-size-fits-all type of thing. One vibrator that your friend might love and recommend, just might not do it for you ― and that’s OK! The thing with sex toys is that it can be sort of trial and error process to find your sex toy soulmate.
With so many shapes, styles, and vibration levels to choose from, it can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As Claire Cavanah, co-founder of Babeland, told Bustle in regards to finding the best sex toy for yourself, “Find something that intrigues you,” then go from there.
Also, don't be afraid to ask the salespeople. They're there for a reason and are always more than eager to help.
2. Make The Time Then Take Your Time
Although masturbating really quickly before work can be fun, what’s even more fun is taking your time. It takes most women roughly 20 minutes to become fully aroused, so don’t rush through it. In allowing yourself to take that 20 minutes, you’ll be looking at even better and stronger orgasms.
3. Get Behind Some Locked Doors
Seriously! There’s nothing more painful, mentally and physically, than being on the brink of having an orgasm but losing it because someone came home early. Blue vulva is no one's friend.
When you’re behind closed doors, you can relax and take your time. If you’re stressing out about trying to get an orgasm in on the couch before your roommate gets home, you’re not really get the most out of the experience.
4. Turn Off ALL Technology (Especially That Damn Phone)
Unless you’re using your phone to provide some stimulation either with porn or written erotica, put it away. As is the case with sex, you don’t want to be interrupted by a phone call or happen to glance over and see a text from mom that reads, “Why haven’t you called? What are you doing?” That’s a lady-boner killer right there.
5. Set The Mood
Although you don’t need to set the mood in the same way that you would if someone was coming over, you can still set the mood for yourself. So dim the lights, put on your favorite songs to masturbate to, and reach for the cucumbers and some pumpkin pie. Why? Because a 1998 study found that certain scents can increase arousal and those two items, along with lavender and Good and Plenty, are on the list. They also provide snacks in case your masturbation sesh runs extra long.
6. Switch Up Your Technique
Just as you would with sex, if you want to make masturbating better, then you need to try new things. If you usually use your hands to stimulate yourself, then try a toy instead. If you usually focus on your clit, then focus on your G-spot for a change. Personally, when I’m looking to spice things up a bit, I reach for the shower ahead, because OMG, that thing is a gift from the gods!
7. Don’t Be Afraid Of Watching Yourself In A Mirror
The key to great masturbation is knowing your body and knowing it very well. While it may seem a little, well, narcissistic to gawk at yourself in the mirror while masturbating think about it from an educational standpoint: You’re learning where all your important bits are and by watching them react during masturbation, you’ll have a deeper understanding of what you like, what to touch, and exactly how to touch it.
8. Remember That Lube Is Your Friend
Lube isn’t just for when you’re having intercourse, but for masturbation, too, especially if you penetrate yourself with a toy. Lube makes everything nice and slick and, if you prefer longer masturbation sessions, keeps you wetter longer.
Just make sure you get lube that compliments whatever toys you’re using. For example, silicone-based lube and silicone toys aren’t so great for the long run, and oil-based lubes are difficult to clean off toys and out of your sheets. All-natural lubes, like Good Clean Love, are free of petrochemicals and parabens and also a great option when you're using toys. You do you, and enjoy every second of it.
Want more of Bustle's Sex and Relationships coverage? Check out our video on sex positions for small penises: