
Yes, The Met Gala Is Going To Be A Movie

by Emily Lackey

Never before has there been anything that I have loved more than the Met Gala. I mean, maybe Sarah Jessica Parker’s insane headgear that she wore that one year, but, other than that, there really isn’t anything better than the annual gathering of celebrities and designers to show off the most outrageous outfits. But now that news is starting to spread of a Met Gala-based heist movie in the works over at New Line, according to Variety, I think a new event has worked its way into the center of my heart. Because if there’s one thing that gets me even more excited than celebrities in fancy clothing, it’s finding out what happens behind the scenes when celebrities are in fancy clothing. (Seriously, aren’t you at least a little morbidly curious about how what Jennifer Lawrence whispers to Kim Kardashian as they pass each other on that iconic staircase?)

Given that the entire movie will be based around The Met Gala and its various attendees, I think we can count on some pretty topnotch fictionalized versions of our favorite stars.

So here are just a few characters I’m hoping to see in the new movie, based on the people who are almost always at the Met Gala and the people who have a the most fascinating Met Gala stories.

1. Sarah Jessica Parker

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Obvi. Head gear attached and in place, for sure.

2. Anna Wintour


This goes without saying. It is her party, after all. Or at least that is what people have taken to calling it. Can there please be some ridiculous outfit requirements put in place by Ms. Wintour that the criminals need to somehow work around?

3. Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

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In something matching and most likely neutral colors. Maybe they’ll have someone playing North just to really nail down the comparison.

4. Beyoncé

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She wouldn’t miss a Met Gala if her life depended on it. Not even a fake one.

5. Beyoncé’s Husband

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He’ll be the one behind Beyoncé in all the pictures.

6. Amal And George Clooney

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Movie gods, please let there be some sort of awesome reference to how smart and accomplished Amal is in comparison to her husband.

7. Jennifer Lopez


With a hot, young boyfriend in tow.

8. Anne Hathaway

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I envision whoever plays her doing everything to the nth degree and never saying "no." You know, like every good theater nerd does.

9. Gwyneth Paltrow


Paltrow once called the Gala “un-fun.” She hasn’t been asked back since. But I’d love to see her unimpressed perspective portrayed.

Whoever appears in the movie, you can count on it being a who’s who of celebrity references. I just hope a couple of them get in on the heist. (I’m crossing my fingers for a hilarious Lawrence cameo, for one.)