'Flash' Spoilers Will Get You Pumped For Season 2

It's finally time. After months of Barry Allen deprivation, The Flash returns for Season 2 on Tuesday night, and things are going to get way more complicated than fans could have ever imagined. For those who may need a quick refresher, we left Team Flash watching the formation of a singularity caused by time being ripped apart after Eddie sacrificed himself to wipe Eobard Thawne from existence. Barry heroically sped into the singularity to stop it, and we were all left wondering if he actually saved the day. So what comes next? Thanks to some epic The Flash Season 2 spoilers, we can get a sense of what awaits Barry, Iris, Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, and beyond, though we should all still prepare for some huge surprises.
While we now know a few key plot points going into Season 2, like the introduction of Earth-Two and with it the arrival of new speedsters and a whole bunch of other characters, it's important to remember that even familiar characters will likely be different following the events of The Flash finale. It will be fascinating to watch them all adopt new responsibilities and new facets of their identity. So who's ready? Here's everything we know about Season 2.
1. Multiple Worlds & Even More Speedsters
According to Entertainment Weekly, speedsters Jay Garrick and Wally West will appear on The Flash Season 2, while TVLine reported that female speedster Jesse Quick will join the series as well. With so many speedsters running around, chaos is sure to find Barry.
2. A Possible New Love Interest
One of the most interesting new characters to join the series is Patty Spivot, who Deadline reported "is a cop and science enthusiast who is unaware that Barry Allen is falling for her," and will work alongside Joe. She also appears in DC Comics as a cop who has feelings for Barry, though nothing ever happens between them. However, since according to Deadline, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said Patty will "complicate Barry Allen’s love life in Season 2," things could take a different turn on the series.
3. Eddie Won't Be Back Yet, But Harrison Will
One thing that is absolutely correct about The Flash Season 1 finale is that Eddie Thawne did in fact sacrifice his own life to kill Eobard/Harrison. So when Season 2 premieres, Eddie's death will continue to affect Barry as he tries to work alone for a while in order to keep his friends out of danger, as reported by Entertainment Weekly. But executive producer Andrew Kreisberg hinted to EW that while he won't be a series regular, it's entirely possible we could see Eddie again, given how much the series messes with time. And we know for a fact that Harrison Wells will be back in Central City, but what iteration of him will we see? That's the bigger question.
4. The Timing Is Unpredictable
Kreisberg also told EW that the series may not pick up right where it left in the Season 1 finale. "We’re not picking up where people will think. We’re playing with time a little bit, but hopefully in a fun, cool way," he said. Could that mean a time-jump, or even multiple time jumps, are on the way?
5. More Metahumans
Now that the concept of Earth-Two is coming to The Flash with new speedsters, that can only mean one thing: New metahumans to meet and many to fight. We already know of a few coming our way, as TVLine reported on the addition of Atom-Smasher, as well as Henry Hewett from the Firestorm comics. But there are sure to be many, many more. And to handle all this, Joe sets up the Metahuman Task Force, which will include Patty and get some help from Cisco.
6. Iris Is Stepping Up
In the wake of Eddie's death, Iris is still struggling, as showrunner Gabrielle Stanton told TVLine, but she won't let it get her down and instead will work to "become the woman that she knows Eddie wanted her to be." Stanton added, "She’s going to be standing on her own two feet a bit more. She’s definitely going to be part of Team Flash more this season, and we’re definitely going to see more of her work life. We’re going to see her generate stories and be really proactive." Hooray for a stronger, more involved Iris!
7. Crossover Time!
As Variety reported, The Flash, Arrow, and new spinoff Legends of Tomorrow will all crossover during their new seasons, which is definitely something to look forward to — as long as it's not a tragedy that unites the series.
8. Barry's New Suit
Season 2 of The Flash will introduce a new suit for Barry that is straight out of the future. He now dons a new emblem that is just like the one he saw himself wearing in the future when he tried to stop his mother's death.
9. Cisco & Caitlin's Future Identities Are Explored
While Barry may be learning new tricks this season, I'm more intrigued about Cisco and Caitlin's futures. As we learned from the end of Season 1, Cisco is already experiencing things that will ultimately turn him into his alter-ego Vibe, and we caught a glimpse of Caitlin as Killer Frost in the finale's worm hole. Kreisberg teased to EW that Cisco will continue experiencing episodes, but refused to give anything away about Caitlin.
10. Zoom Is Coming
The villain Zoom will also battle Barry this season, and executive producer Gabrielle Stanton told TVLine he "is just scary as all hell" and teased that he won't be confused with Reverse-Flash at all. Not knowing much about this new version of Zoom only makes him more foreboding.
You know, spoilers may not have been the word for these revelations about The Flash. They haven't spoiled anything — they just made me even more excited for Season 2.
Images: Cate Cameron (7), Jordon Nuttall (2)/The CW