7 Creepy 'Walking Dead' Halloween Makeup Tutorials

Zombies never go out of style, right? It just so happens that now — with shows like The Walking Dead cultivating international fan bases — zombies (or "walkers," as they're often called on AMC's genius television series) — seem more popular then ever. With Halloween right around the corner, what better time to break out the Walking Dead makeup tutorials?
Since walkers are such a classic costume, there are luckily tons of Walking Dead-inspired Halloween makeup tutorials out there that range from the easy to the exceptionally complex. What's even better is that most of the looks can be achieved with makeup you already have on hand. Of course, a few of the more complex styles use liquid latex and fake blood, both of which are easy to find at Halloween or costume stores. But for the most part, makeup newbies and lazy girls alike should be able to adopt one of these looks pretty effortlessly.
As far as completing your very own Walking Dead-esque costume goes, you can accompany the look with anything from a dirty T-shirt and ripped jeans combo to pinup and princess gear for a spooky vibe. Here are just seven makeup tutorials to try for this All Hallow's Eve.
1. The Gaping Chin Wound Walker: Easy
If you've ever wanted to contour with icky greens, this is the tutorial for you. She offers some great tips, such as using tissues for the wound and making fake blood out of food coloring. Also, she reminds us that nobody has glittery wounds, so remember to keep things matte.
2. The Bruised Walker: Easy
This tutorial uses purple eyeshadow to create inner eye and hairline bruising, which look super cool. Also, look at that fresh blood mouth.
3. The Easy But Super Creepy Walker: Easy
YouTube phenom Michelle Phan gives us an easy walker look without any special effects makeup (unless you consider liquid latex to be special effects makeup, of course).
4. No Bloody Gore Walker: Intermediate
If bloody gashes and head wounds aren't really your things, this zombie makeup will make you feel both gross and happy.
5. The Oatmeal Walker: Intermediate
This tutorial uses oatmeal to achieve some pretty high-quality zombie special effects. Yes guys, oatmeal!
6. The High Maintenance Walker: Difficult
Michelle Phan is here with another zombie tutorial — this time with a princess twist. Even princesses can get bitten. It's science.
7. The Pinup Walker: Difficult
Maybe you want to be a sexy walker in a totally non-objectifying way. Here you go. This one uses a little special effects makeup, but nothing too major.
So go forth, and embrace that undead lifestyle.
Images: MichellePhan/YouTube