Why Was The ‘Pitch Perfect 3’ Release Delayed?

Apologies to any and all Pitch Perfect fans out there. Let’s all come together and join hands, because there is some important news that I need to share with you all: The release date for Pitch Perfect 3 has been pushed back by two weeks. That’s right — no typos here. We’re now going to have to wait an additional fourteen days to see the third installment of aca-awesomeness. The film, which was originally slated to premiere on July 21, 2017, is now set to hit theaters on August 4, 2017. As if two years wasn’t already long enough to wait! But, why did the release date get moved? Is there something they’re not telling us? Trouble on the set? Issues with the script? A chance that the film won’t get made at all?!
Calm down, fellow Bellas — because it’s none of those things, and it’s really far less dramatic than that. According to Variety, what happened was the production company decided to change the release date because the July 21 date was getting a little crowded — I guess there were some other movies that felt the need to steal the Bellas’ thunder. Thankfully, Universal won’t stand for that, and they pushed the date back so that the film could get the amount of attention it deserves. (I.e., all of it).
So, just in case the idea of waiting two whole years PLUS an additional two weeks is enough to send you in a tailspin of music mixing and shower singing (although, really, would that be so awful?), take comfort: There are plenty of things that you can do to make it through the extra days. Remember, on the other end is two hours of singing, riff-offs, and so much girl power goodness.
Marathon Pitch Perfect And Pitch Perfect 2
Like, every night. It’s better than crying yourself to sleep out of grief, am I right?
See Every Other Anna Kendrick Movie In The Meantime
There are six films between now and Pitch Perfect 3 that you can see Kendrick in. Sure, it’s not the same when she’s not Beca, but come on girl! It’s better than nothing!
Download GarageBand And Start Mixing Your Own Beats
By the time the third movie comes out, you’ll be better than Beca.
Create A New Cup Song
Record yourself performing it. Upload it to YouTube. You’ll get a ton of hits and then a ton of friends who can talk you through the pain of waiting.
Join An Actual A Cappella Group
There are tons out there. Whether you’re in college or in the roaring thrill of adulthood, there are groups out there for you to join. Put your shower singing to good use and make some friends who appreciate the beauty of a song with no bass line as much as you do.
And if none of these works, you can always just sit in a dark room for the next two years, listening to the soundtrack on repeat. Or you could just pull yourself up by your boot straps and wait. Because the new Pitch Perfect will be here in no time.
Image: Universal Pictures (6)