What Makes This 'Full House' Dad SUCH a Dad

There were plenty of excellent, quintessential sitcom fathers of the '90s, but, as any Full House devotee could attest to, Danny Tanner was definitely one of the best. The host of Wake Up, San Francisco! certainly has his hands full (har, har) with his three daughters, but that never stopped him from achieving everyone's #dadgoals — and, because it's Danny Tanner, #cleanlinessgoals. Danny's dad game was always on point, but, of course, he was so much more than just a sitcom parent. Danny was a beautiful weirdo, and, though his primary trait was being Michelle, Stephanie, and D.J.'s slightly kooky (and always hyper-clean) father, a further examination of Danny would reveal that he was way more complex than that.
The thing that made Danny such a lovable guy was that he was so incredibly delusional about his own level of coolness. Let me be clear: Danny was not cool. He certainly wasn't the "raddest, baddest dad" that he insisted was an appropriate moniker. Danny was the definition of "not hip," and essentially the embodiment of a walking, talking dad joke — but we wouldn't have it any other way. Danny was a lovable dork, all grown up, and his willingness to express his dorkiness without shame may have been the coolest thing about him, even if he was in slight denial about the whole thing.
So what wonderful dad science makes up Danny Tanner? I've got an easy little breakdown for you:
Image: Warner Bros. Television; Dawn Foster/Bustle