Here's What Gordo From 'Lizzie' Looks Like Now

Lizzie McGuire might have been all about that Ethan Craft, but for many of us, the real guy to watch on her beloved Disney Channel show was her very smart, very practical, very snarky best friend David "Gordo" Gordon. Thankfully, Gordo from Lizzie McGuire eventually got the girl after many seasons and a movie, and we were all pretty happy about that — even though we totally wanted to date him ourselves. But it has been 11 years since Lizzie McGuire was on the air, and times have changed. Sure, we still know exactly what Hilary Duff is up to these days, since she's continued to do enough acting and singing to stay on the public's radar. But what about Adam Lamberg, the actor behind the Gordo? What does Gordo look like now?
Along with Lalaine (aka Miranda Sanchez), Lamberg has largely stayed out of the spotlight, which means the following images could come as a surprise to your average Lizzie McGuire fan. Since appearing as Gordo on the show, the actor has gone on to appear as Lionel in When Do We Eat? in 2005 and then as a young Reggie in Beautiful Loser in 2008 — his last acting role to this day. 2008 was also the year that Lamberg graduated from UC Berkley with a bachelor's degree in Geography. From 2012 to 2014, he attended Baruch College, where he got an MPA. He currently works as a developmental associate at the Irish Arts Center in New York City.
While his Internet presence has slowed considerably since 2014 — with his Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr all barren or gone entirely — there are still plenty of photos of him to be found for those who care to look.
First, He Looked Like This ...
Not too long after Lizzie McGuire .
... And Now He Mostly Looks Like This
He was particularly fond of making these kind of twin splitscreen photos of himself and posting them to his Instagram. Sadly, they're now all gone.
Sometimes His Beard And Mustache Game Is Strong
Gordo and Miranda back together again? MY HEART. Now if we could only get all three of them in the same place at the same time ...
And Sometimes His Beard And Mustache Game Is Kind Of Weak
Sometimes you need a little more than just a 5 o'clock shadow, and that's OK.
But Mostly, He's Out There Doing Good Work
He might not be acting anymore, but Lamberg has tons of projects that keep him busy and largely seem to be geared toward making the world a better place. Which is pretty much what you would expect from Gordo as well.
Image: Disney Channel Original Productions; hellyeahlizziemcguire/Tumblr