Shop At Chico's? You Probably Cheat On Your Husband

Do you love shopping at Banana Republic? Congrats! You also probably love cheating on your spouse. A recent survey from cheating site Ashley Madison determined the preferred stores of cheating women. An excellent use of resources.
Rather than head to La Perla, women who look for lovin' elsewhere are more likely to shop at business-casual stores, like Chico's, J.Crew, and, the number one store for adulteresses, Banana Republic. According to Ashley Madison CEO Noel Biderman, "If your spouse suddenly seems more consumed with style and putting outfits together after spending years in sweatpants, that is a telltale sign she could be two timing."
I guess this sort of makes sense, but is it possible that these are just stores at which people shop, and sometimes people cheat? The list also includes H&M, Lululemon, and Macy's. It sort of seems that all this survey did is confirm that people who cheat on their spouses also wear clothes. Opting for style over sweatpants could also be a sign of about, I don't know, a thousand other things. But, nope, as far as Ashley Madison is concerned it just means that you're heading to a Motel 6 in your Chico's blouse.