How To Dress Like Pizza Rat For Halloween

Unless you've been living under an Internet rock, you've probably at least heard murmurs of up-and-coming off-Broadway sensation, Pizza Rat. Pizza Rat is a New Yorker living his truth, which is to say, he's just trying to eat a dollar slice and catch the L train back to Brooklyn, for cheese's sake. How do you celebrate the newest celebrity rodent properly? By coming up with a Pizza Rat Halloween costume, obviously.
Pizza Rat is the perfect Halloween costume on pretty much every level — Pizza Rat works perfectly as a lazy last-minute costume, Pizza Rat is easily adaptable to the climate wherever you live, and, if you're feeling ambitious, Pizza Rat can even be sexy. But best of all, a Pizza Rat costume involves having pizza on your person at all times, and there just aren't that many costumes out there that literally require pizza.
Pizza Rat has already inspired thousands of New Yorkers to express their solidarity over the struggles they face day to day, like carrying too much stuff through Manhattan, missing your train because you're getting a snack, and trying to quietly walk down stairs in heels. Twitter is buzzing with hashtags such as #JeSuisPizzaRat and #PizzaRat2016, and Pizza Rat is now polling above Donald Trump in New Hampshire (where people still eat pizza with their hands, rather than a fork and knife).
So, here's how to rep the newest YouTube star this Halloween!
First, your inspiration:
Honestly, Pizza Rat is all of us — and in case you want to dress the part this Halloween, here are four different ways to do it.
1. Pizza Rat Onesie
Mouse Onesie ,$60, Awesome Inventions
The Pizza Rat onesie is perfect for a person who lives in a place where the forecast is a little colder by the end of October. Stay warm in your cozy onesie, and eat pizza all night long! (Seriously, that last part is absolutely crucial.)
2. Lazy Pizza Rat Headband
Minnie Mouse Ears, $24, Disney Store
If you're too busy to commit to putting together a whole costume, or if you're one of those people who hates dressing up but loves the drinking... I mean... camaraderie associated with All Hallow's Eve, grab a pair of mouse ears, and show up to the party with a pizza. The sparkles will make you feel glamorous, and the pizza will make you everyone's favorite rodent
3. Sexy Pizza Rat
Sexy Rat Costume, $14, Ali Express
I double-dare every single one of you to be Sexy Pizza Rat for Halloween this year. Bonus points if you have your bae dress as Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Do it.
4. Authentic Filthy Pizza Rat
The easiest and cheapest option for dressing as Pizza Rat can be yours for the price of a pizza. Just don't shower for a few days, get as grimy as possible, and show up to your chosen Halloween celebration pizza-in-hand, covered in dirt. Just like Pizza Rat, people will admire your commitment to authenticity.
Images: Matt Little/Youtube; Awesome Inventions; The Disney Store; Ali Express