10 Best Food Books for A Healthy 2014
The holidays are just about over. Are you ready to get started on that healthy eating resolution you set? In case you don't know where to start, we've wrangled up some of the best books on healthy eating that we could find. Here we have some great foundational reads, like the guidebook, What To Eat, by nutrition guru Marion Nestle. We like pretty pictures too, so we are also sharing some fun stuff, including The Sprouted Kitchen cookbook, penned by one of our favorite food bloggers, Sara Forte. These food books will give you a solid grounding on how to live happily, healthfully, and confidently in the New Year. You can do it!
In Defense of Food
Michael Pollan’s book asks and answers a particularly important question: Where is the food in our food? His suggestion is a simple one: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto , Michael Pollan.
The Sprouted Kitchen
This first cookbook from food blogger Sara Forte is stuffed with healthy recipes and stunning photography. The food is seasonal, simple, and offers the reader an approachable introduction to whole foods.
The Sprouted Kitchen: A Tastier Take on Whole Foods , Sara Forte.
Salt Sugar Fat
In this #1 New York Times Bestseller, Pulitzer-Prize winning reporter Michael Moss chronicles the obesity epidemic in the context of the processed food industry. A scary but important read for anybody who’s looking to make their body a healthier and happier place.
Salt Sugar Fat , Michael Moss.
Primal Cravings
Before you ROLL YOUR EYES at the very mention of the Paleo or Primal diet, you really ought to check out this book and give the caveman thing a chance. A grain-free diet is not only great way to lose extra pounds, there is also a lot of talk about its ability to help the body combat inflammatory processes, especially those that are due to autoimmune disease. Plus, you get to eat a lot of bacon, and this cookbook by the Health-Bent bloggers has plenty of it.
Primal Cravings , Brandon and Meagan Keatley.
What To Eat
Nestle is a certifiable expert in the field of food and nutrition, and this great book reads as an authoritative guide to all the things you should (and should not) put in your mouth. Filled with tips, tidbits, and maxims, this book will make an informed eater out of you.
What To Eat , Marion Nestle.
It Starts With Food
Have you heard about the Whole30 yet? The 30-day Paleo-adjacent program focuses on real, whole foods that fulfill the four “Good Food Standards.” What’s the big deal? Not only do these food standards encourage improved general health and wellness, all that goodness is accompanied with notable weight loss. Want to change your life? It only takes 30 days.
It Starts With Food , Dallas and Melissa Hartwig.
Vegetable Literacy
Maybe you’re looking to add more green things to your diet, but your skill set is limited to garden salads and steamed broccoli. Vegetables aren’t boring, and Madison proves just that in this landmark cookbook. It reads as a veritable love letter to the vegetable kingdom.
Vegetable Literacy , Deborah Madison.
Super Natural Every Day
This James Beard Award-winning cookbook sharply focuses on real, whole foods and fresh, seasonal ingredients. Not only does Swanson (of 101 Cookbooks food blog fame) share with readers her flawless recipes and brilliant photography chops, her book is also full of great tips for pantry-stocking as well as guides to her favorite ingredients. Everything is super natural and super simple.
Super Natural Every Day , Heidi Swanson.
Real Food
In Planck’s book, diet fads are debunked and supplanted with sage advice for eating the “old-fashioned” way – fresh, whole ingredients gathered and prepared in the way that our grandparents ate them. What could be more sensible? Find out why the Guardian called Planck “the patron saint of farmers’ markets.”
Real Food: What To Eat And Why , Nina Planck.
Giada's Feel Good Food
We thought we had to just accept that Giada’s figure would always be slim and flawless, even as we witnessed her, time after time, pile on the mascarpone and the parmigiano-reggiano (pronounced, of course, in a hugely over-emphatic Italian accent). It turns out this little lady has a few secrets up her sleeve. For starters, look how cool she looks eating that apple.
Giada’s Feel Good Food: My Healthy Recipes and Secrets , Giada De Laurentiis.