When your erotic imagination can only take you so far, pornography really hits the spot. And when your run-of-the-mill 2D porn falls flat and leaves you wanting more, 3D porn is here to pick up the sensual slack. With the advent of virtual reality technology, hologram porn is coming quickly to dominate a ravenous market always on the prowl for a new thrill. To satisfy the public's urge for a more full-bodied adult experience, HoloFilm Productions just launched the #GivePornAHand campaign on Kickstarter to raise money for the bright future of holographic porn.
For decades, pornography has driven technology. From the proliferation of VHS tapes to the dawn of digital credit card transactions, the adult industry has been major player in many of the innovations we take for granted today. The same goes for holographic technology. Although the music industry has flirted with holograms (um, hello Michael, Biggie, Tupac — and Whitney!), the porn industry is poised to take this tech to new heights, where they will eventually break the erotic fourth wall entirely so a user can feel what it's like to have sex with their favorite porn star. Intrigued? Here are five stimulating things about holographic porn that you need to know:
1. Hologram Porn Gives You A 360 Degree View Of A Scene
Using cameras which capture every inch of a performer's body, hologram porn is filmed to allow viewers an interactive, 360 degree view of any angle in a given scene. You've probably already heard of this kind of VR porn, as it has been around for at least a few years.
2. Synthologram Porn Puts You In The Middle Of The Action
Synthologram Porn allows a viewer to be in a central vantage point, so everything plays out as if you are physically in the middle of the action.
3. Interactive Holographic Avatar Sex Is Fully Immersive
The Ferrari of hologram sex, this technology is designed to be a completely immersive experience that feels like you're actually having sex with a pornstar IRL. According to Brian Shuster, CEO and founder of HoloFilm Productions, it will eventually evolve and sync up with the "teletouch revolution" and haptic innovations so you can not only see your virtual partner as if they were in the flesh, but feel and hear them, too.
4. It Turns Porn Stars On That They'll Be Pleasuring You Better
Yep, they're just as excited as you are for this new technology. (OK, maybe not quite as much, but, we can pretend, right?) "I see it as a big turn on," explains Kayden Kross in the HoloFilms Kickstarter video.
5. It's Not Just For Hetero Folks
Although the earliest hologram porn has been marketed to a predominately straight male audience, according to HoloFilms' Kickstarter, future channels will be dedicated to lesbian, gay, and trans folks. Hurray for inclusive holograms!
Images: HoloFilmProductions/YouTube (6)