This New 'Steve Jobs' Trailer Changes Everything

The latest biopic penned by Aaron Sorkin about the tech mogul Steve Jobs looks like it might be the Steve Jobs film to end all Steve Jobs films — at least, I'm hoping, based on this brand new trailer. That's right: The new Steve Jobs trailer was released Thursday, and it certainly doesn't suggest otherwise, nor does it stray very far from what we all know Sorkin does best: dramatic biopics with sharp dialogue and intense gravitas. The two-minute trailer is moody, punchy, and, thanks to director Danny Boyle and his vision, it certainly sets the stage for the fast-paced, high stakes story that was Jobs' life.
If history's any indication, Boyle — who's best known for Slumdog Millionaire and Trainspotting — will certainly be able to carry out the film's weightiness with ease. But it's the attention to detail in terms of character development and dialogue that really makes this film look promising — and that's mostly thanks to Sorkin's writing. Sorkin might be best known for crafting the kind of self-righteous — but thoroughly captivating — Mark Zuckerberg in the 2010 film The Social Network. His other notable biopics include Charlie Wilson's War and Moneyball too, both of which featured main characters that weren't always portrayed in the most flattering of ways. As Sorkin explained in an interview with The Independent, "People don’t live their lives in the same narrative structure as a movie; our lives don’t play out in a series of scene." An important point to make when we consider the nature of the biopic. This is Hollywood after all.
That being said, Michael Fassbender — who might not look exactly like Steve Jobs — executes the tech mogul's mannerisms with the kind of genuine ferocity you'd only expect from someone like him, and it seems like this representation of Jobs might be a fair one. Because an actor is only as good as the lines he's given, thank goodness we can count on Sorkin to write the kind of unforgettable ones that Jobs deserves. Let's take a look at some of the best dialogue in the trailer.
1. How the Computer Will Change Everything
The trailer begins with Jobs explaining the revolutionary idea of an at home computer. Jeff Daniels, who plays previous CEO of Apple, Inc., Jeff Scull, tells Jobs, "We’d be talking about the most tectonic shift in the status quo since..." To which Jobs interrupts so perfectly, "Ever."
2. The Introduction to Jobs' Stakes As A Father
The mother of Jobs' first daughter tells him, "Your Apple stock is worth $441 million dollars, and your daughter and her mother are on welfare." Yeah, those are some pretty serious stakes.
3. When Jobs' Female Coworker Stands Up For His Daughter
Jobs' right hand woman, Joanna Hoffman (played by Kate Winslet [!!!]) says, "You must be able to tell she looks like you."
4. When Jobs' Partner Questions Him
Around the 0:46 mark, we hear the voice of Seth Rogen (playing Steve Wozniak) telling Jobs, "We will know soon enough whether you are Leonardo or you just think you are." *MIC DROP*
5. When Jobs is Kicked Out Of His Own Company
"You're insubordinate. You make people miserable. The board believes you are no longer necessary to this company."
6. This Humble Brag
"I sat in a garage and invented the future."
7. When His Priorities Get Checked... Again
"What you make isn't supposed to be the best part of you when you're a father. That's whats supposed to be the best part of you."
8. This Second Humble Brag
"The two most significant events of the 20th century...the allies win the war, and this."
9. And Finally...
"Ladies and gentlemen...Steve Jobs." OK — not the most memorable line in the trailer in terms of originality, but come on.
Check out the trailer below.
Looks like this might be the most tectonic shift in the status quo of Steve Jobs films since...ever. Do us proud, Sorkin.
Images: Universal Pictures/YouTube (10)