A Former Houseguest Returns To 'Big Brother'

Get out your glitter, ladies and gents. Big Brother 16 contestant-turned-D-List-celebrity Frankie Grande appeared on Sunday night's episode of BB17 to treat Liz, who won the luxury reward during this week's Head of Household competition, and her guest Vanessa to a trip outside of the Big Brother house. And just to once again remind you that he's Ariana Grande's brother, Frankie took the houseguests to his sister's sold-out concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
It's only been about a year since we last saw Frankie in the Big Brother house, but really, no matter how hard we try, how could we ever forget this pink-haired, glitter-throwing, Zach-loving houseguest? Though Frankie ended up in fifth place, he basically defined the BB16 season as one of the most over-the-top and competitive houseguests in Big Brother history, dancing and singing around the house, winning an epic Battle of the Block competition all by himself, and winning the title of HoH an impressive three times. Oh, and did I mention pop superstar du jour Ariana Grande is his half-sister?
Of course, Frankie re-entered the Big Brother house in typical Frankie fashion during Sunday night's episode. Frankie came in "glittery as hell," as John put it, throwing even more glitter in the air because I'm pretty sure that stuff is like oxygen to him. As one might expect, there was lots of voguing and pirouettes involved as well. All of the remaining BB17 houseguests were fangirling over Frankie's arrival in the house, especially Big Brother superfan Steve, who was practically speechless, but not nearly as much as BB16's Victoria when she found out Frankie is Ariana Grande's half-brother.
When Liz won the luxury reward during this week's HoH competition, she vowed to bring whomever won the title with her on the trip outside of the Big Brother house. Since Vanessa won HoH this week and because the reward seemed like it had "girl trip written all over it," Liz chose her to accompany her on this "once-in-a-lifetime, VIP, exclusive Grande experience."
But not without getting all dolled up with a professional makeup and hair team to give them disguises. Since BB17 is still being filmed in nearly real-time and because the houseguests are worldwide celebs at this point, Liz and Vanessa had to be transformed into a "sexy soccer mom" with a short, red 'do and a "rocker chick" with long, purple locks, respectively. Frankie's hair was still blond with some pink on top to complete this rainbow of hairstyles.
While at the show, this trio did what any normal Ariana Grande concertgoer would do: stomp down the stage, get the singer's brand-new fragrance before it's even available in stores, and hug the pop star, who seemed a lot sweeter toward these two than how that doughnut she licked must have tasted.
Big Brother houseguests rarely get luxury rewards anymore, probably because the parts of the competition that actually matter are so enthralling to watch on their own, let alone little field trips like this outside of the house after three months in there. Sure, they're usually hokey and used to promote something or someone. But, as much as I tried, I couldn't deny Frankie's charm on BB16 and I still can't deny it now. Here's to probably seeing you on every future season of Big Brother, Frankie!
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Images: CBS; Giphy (2)