Believe it or not, it's been nearly 22 years since Boy Meets World first aired. Despite being two decades old, the show is still as relatable as ever. Seriously, I can watch endless reruns and not get sick of it! When Disney Channel decided to create the much-anticipated spin-off, Girl Meets World , it was one of the greatest gifts in television history. A whole new generation got introduced to the beloved Matthews family. Sure, nothing will ever truly beat the original, but it comes pretty close. In case you need an extra dose of BMW nostalgia, check this out: Will Friedle (aka Eric Matthews) wished a happy birthday to Ben Savage (his TV brother Cory Matthews) on Sunday. The message will warm any '90s kid's heart.
Along with a black-and-white photo from the show's early years, Friedle tweeted,
Happy birthday, Ben. My brother on TV and everywhere else. Are you older than me yet?
After all this time, it's amazing to see that the two are still like brothers — on- and off-screen. Considering they spent seven years filming a TV show together, they're bound to be close. But not all costars get along or keep in touch after their shows end, so that's what makes the duo's bond all the more special. Plus, it's so great that Friedle guest-starred on Girl Meets World — talk about things coming full circle.
In honor of Ben Savage's birthday, here's a roundup of the best brotherly moments between Cory and Eric Matthews on Boy Meets World.
1. When Eric Shares This Valuable Life Advice
Easily one of the show's most quotable moments.
2. When They Go On A Brotherly Road Trip
Remember that episode where Cory and Eric go on a road trip to see the World's Largest Yogurt Cup? That's a great moment. Or at least until Eric decides he wants to stay in the small town forever. Luckily, Cory calls their dad, who comes to the rescue and talks some sense into his son.
3. When They Escape A Crazy Killer Together
The Halloween episode is one of my favorites! It's memorable, scary, and funny — all at the same time. In the episode, Eric, Cory, and company try to escape a crazy killer at the school. That's one way for brothers to bond, right?
4. When Eric Gets Accepted Into College
It's a touching family moment when Eric is too nervous to open his letter from Pennbrook. Cory rips open the envelope and helps break the good news that Eric got in. Cue the excitement and happy tears.
5. When He Helps Make Cory & Topanga's Wedding Memorable
After Cory fights with Shawn, Eric steps in and tries to make Cory and Topanga have the best possible ceremony. That part is sweet, but the way Eric made that happen? Not so much. He tricked the people at the hotel into believing someone else's wedding was theirs. This whole mess resulted in Cory and Topanga spending the night in jail... But hey, Eric had good intentions!
Sure, sometimes they had their fights (like every sibling ever), but at the end of the day, these two were always there for each other. And it's amazing to see Ben and Will are just like that IRL, too!
Image: ABC; Giphy (3)