'Awkward' Stars Predict The Crew's Future

There’s only 40-something days left of high school for the students at Palos Hills and the Awkward drama is not letting up any time soon. With graduation rapidly approaching, it’s natural for the students to start thinking about their futures and that’s exactly what happens when I ask stars Molly Tarlov and Brett Davern to predict the future for Awkward characters. They each guessed where the various students would be in 10 years. Do they think Matty and Jenna are still together? Will Jake still be bitter the Northwestern rejection? They have some theories.
First, let’s talk about this season, because Matty has already punched Jake in the face, which of course was predicted in Davern’s emoji spoilers, but I did not think it would come in the first episode. I am a little worried that their friendship won’t last, but I have hope. In other news, Jenna Hamilton is now popular because she accidentally kicked the power to the entire school, while Matty will experience unpopularity for the first time (Ugh, I hate when Matty McKibben is sad). I also need to know whether or not Gabby and Jake are a thing now. I mean, weird things are happening around Palos Hills and it’s sure to become even more, well, awkward. But once all of that dust has settled, these characters are going to graduate and move on. Here's where Davern and Tarlov think life will take them.
Sadie Saxton
Tarlov says that after attending Columbia, Sadie will probably stay in New York. “I could see her doing something like you do and working at an … online magazine,” she says (Uh, side note: I would love to work alongside Sadie Saxton). She also has some ideas for Sadie's personal life.
I have this weird thing where I think Sadie is going to end up really well-rounded and like a great catch. We all agree right? Yeah, so I can see her doing some type of journalism. I see her married with a couple kids with a husband who’s just the best and she can be mean to him sometimes and it doesn’t bother him.
Matty McKibben & Jenna Hamilton
After she's done talking about Sadie’s 10-year plan, Tarlov dishes on everyone’s favorite couple — and spoiler alert — she’s on team Jatty. “I do think that Matty and Jenna would break up for awhile and then see each other again,” she predicts. “Every time they see each other you can see they were meant to be together. So, after they’ve had all whatever they’ve had, maybe Jenna has a divorce, I think they will end up together hopefully in New York hanging out with Sadie and her husband.”
Jake Rosati
Jake Rosati, on the other hand, would need to get out of Palos Hills so he can find himself, according to Brett Davern, who says he would probably head to a big city like Los Angeles, Chicago or New York.
So, where would he work?
Something where he can use his smarts and his charms, so maybe an entrepreneurial job … working for a startup or something like that where he can be with people his own age, be a leader and use that charisma.
Tamara Kaplan
I also asked Davern take a stab at Tamara’s future. “I think Tamara goes to New York City, goes to fashion school or something and working for a designer,” he says, adding that she would definitely be a part of runway shows (Hello, Fashion Week!). “She has such a unique style on the show. Plus Jillian [Rose Reed] will like that I said that, rather than she’s back living at home with her mom and nine cats.”
Well, if Davern and Tarlov are right, it seems like everyone is heading to New York in the future. And if they all stick together, Awkward never has to end, which is fine by me.
Images: MTV; WiffleGif (4)