First 'Fault In Our Stars' Poster Revealed

It's staaaaarting. We've sung the praises of John Green's The Fault In Our Stars — and its upcoming movie — before. Still, it's always seemed like the actual movie was insufferably far away. Now, though, the first Fault In Our Stars movie poster is here.
The film, which comes out June 6, 2014 and is directed by Stuck In Love's Josh Boone, is based off of the New York Times best-selling novel of the same name, and is, as USA Today's Bob Minzesheimer put it in his review of the novel, "a pitch-perfect, elegiac comedy about star-crossed lovers who meet at a support group in Indianapolis for kids with cancer."
The first poster for the film — the full thing which you can see below — certainly centers on that romance, with Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley) and Augustus Waters (her Divergent co-star Ansel Elgort) nuzzling. It's also a pretty rare sight to see a romantic heroine sporting the nasal cannula that The Fault In Our Stars' lead sports throughout almost the entire story.
"One sick love story" is what the tagline here says, and that combined with that nose tube is bringing me back to The New York Times' Natalie Standiford's review of the novel, in which she wrote:
It is a narrative without rainbows or flamingoes; there are no magical summer snowstorms … [Green] shows us true love — two teenagers helping and accepting each other through the most humiliating physical and emotional ordeals — and it is far more romantic than any sunset on the beach.
So are you ready to feel refreshed, amused, and then cry a whole lot? Because that's The Fault In Our Stars, people, and I can't wait.
Image: 20th Century Fox