Things I Never Noticed About 'Holiday In The Sun'

Let me start this article by declaring that in my opinion Holiday in The Sun a beautiful disaster of a movie. Please don’t think that I don’t like this movie, because Holiday in The Sun is one of the all-time best Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies, but there is barely a plot in this movie. After re-watching the Olsen twins on their fabulous Bahama vacation as a 25-year-old, I have come to a realization that this movie is a compilation of musical montages. In 2001, Holiday in The Sun came out, and most of the movie is Mary-Kate and Ashley running around the Atlantis resort making every 15-year-old girl jealous of their week-long flings with cute boys. Also, the last 15 minutes include the twins in jail, but that's a moot point.
Mary-Kate and Ashley play Madison and Alex, two 15-year-olds who get stuck going to the Bahamas with their parents over winter vacation. (What a drag, am I right?) They end up having a blast even though they break curfew and end up in some pretty sticky situations. Cue Weezer’s “Island in The Sun” and enjoy all the things you never realized about the movie when you were a kid.
1. This Unfair Realization
Their family is completely loaded. Not only does their dad pilot private jets, they have a private jet that they take to the Bahamas. And then a limo picks them up at the airport. I dunno why they get in trouble with the hotel when their money situation is on par with Megan Fox's Brianna Wallace.
2. They Would Rather Go To Hawaii
Um, no. Bahamas > Hawaii any day.
3. Megan Fox As Brianna Wallace
"As in Wallace Department Store, Wallaces." Alright, let's talk about her voice in this. Nothing is worse than that fake high-pitched mean girl voice. Literally nothing worse.
4. This One Tree Hill Familiar Face
We all know Austin Nichols from his long stint as Julian Baker on One Tree Hill.
5. This False Advice
Pierced ears means a guy is ready for marriage because "he knows pain and he's bought jewelry." Not quite. I think it means they got too drunk and made a mistake.
6. Play — "Us Against The World”
Best. Song. Ever.
7. Jordan Landers Though
Guys, he was a babe then, he's a babe now. I still have a crush on him.
8. This Exchange
"Hey what's up?" "Not my temperature." Oh, Megan Fox. Slay, girl.
9. The Cyrano De Bergerac Storyline
In case you missed literature in high school, it’s basically a story about a guy who’s in love with a girl named Roxane, but because he thinks he’s too ugly to have a chance with her, he helps another guy (Christian) woo her through letters. Is this at all starting to sound like the Griffin/Scott/Madison love triangle in Holiday In The Sun? Yeah. Never noticed that until now.
10. Has Scott Literally Never Talked To Another Human Before?
This isn’t about the fact that he’s completely devoid of a brain, but he can’t even function as a human being. He’s not hot enough to have that little of a brain.
11. Can You Press Charges Against A Noise Complaint At A Hotel?
Pretty sure that's not a thing, but nice try Brianna Wallace. Also, why would anyone ever think that getting a guy in trouble will make them like you?
12. This Creepy Quote
“Everyone's got a hobby right? You're mine.” Uh, if I was someone’s hobby, I would not be kissing them, I would tell them to take up other interests and stop talking to me. There’s got to be a better way to let someone know you’re into them.
13. Antiquity Smuggling
This plot line literally comes out of no where in the last 15 minutes. Okay.
14. They Casually Stole A Boat
No big deal though because it’s Mary-Kate and Ashley. National heroes.
Images: Holiday In The Sun/Screenshot (4); herestorightnow/Tumblr (4); angel—la/Tumblr; mkaolsengifs/Tumblr; Giffalicious/Tumblr (2); Meganfoxrocksmyworld/Tumblr