How To Tuck Jeans Into Boots So They Won't Pop Out

Boots and jeans go together like peanut butter and jelly. They're made for each other — unless you don't know how to tuck your jeans into boots. And then it's just kind of awkward. Either your pants get bunched up at the knee like a drunk pirate's or your boots look lumpy from the jeans and socks smushed inside them. It can be a frustrating process, often leaving you hot and sweaty and completely over boot season.
It doesn't have to be so hard, though, unless you're trying to stuff flare jeans into your knee-high boots. Still, even with boot cut or wide leg pants, wearing boots over them is possible. It's all in the process, a few magic ingredients, and a certain savoir faire.
If you've only ever worn knee boots with your skinny jeans, this process may open up a whole new world of fashion possibilities to you. Just think, it will be like doubling your wardrobe this fall. And if you're a seasoned fashionista who loves pairing boots with jeans, this will just serve as a refresher.
Read along for five easy tips for tucking jeans into boots with style and grace. Because life is better with options.
Step 1: Cuff
The first step is easy — just flip up the hem of your jeans so the bottom lands about mid-ankle height. Don't cuff them too low or they'll get all caught up in your heels. Just one fold over, so if they're extra long pants, it will be a big, fat cuff.
Step 2: Peg
Ahhhh, the pegged pant look. That quietly resurfacing trend from the '80s. Whether you condone its presence in daily life or not — it's an integral step in keeping your pant leg secured. Vertically fold the cuff once — effectively tightening the pants around your ankle — and then roll the bottom hem up one more time — which locks the fold into place.
Step 3: Socks
Socks are a crucial ingredient in the boot + jeans relationship. You'll pull them up and over your smoothly pegged cuff to keep the whole affair in order. Fit and density are key. You don't want super thick sock material, because extra layers = boots that won't zip. On the flip side, you don't want too sheer, because the socks have to keep your unruly jeans in line. The solution? A pair of well-made, light-weight, mid-calf socks. Pick any color or print you want, they'll be tucked away!
Step 4: Straighten
Once you get those bad boy socks in place, shimmy the sock-wrapped pant legs as far south as they'll go.
Step 5: Boots On
Gently ease your boots up over the entire affair. Take care to keep the cuffs as close to your ankles as possible to avoid lumpy boots. It helps to pause as you're putting the boots on and tuck your hand in to smooth and straighten your jean leg back down to your ankle.
Images: Fotolia; Author's Own