Sometimes we go through periods in life where we need a good dose of inspiration to get things going. What better way to get a head start than to read motivational books that will give us the push we need? As I progress through my twenties, I am learning more and more about myself. One key lesson is that the seasons really affect me and when my little corner of the world is transitioning from one season to another, I find staying motivated really difficult.
Recently I've been struggling to get out of bed in the morning and my guess would be that it's because of the transitioning seasons. It's a tale as old as time: When it's still dark out, my body hasn't woken up yet and doesn't want to get up out of my cozy, warm bed. No matter what season it is, though, motivational books can serve as a helpful tool.
Whether you've just gone through a breakup, are bored of your job, or you're not really sure where you're life's going, motivational books should give you a good kick in the rear and help to return your lust for life. Here are seven books that will motivate you.
1. Kid President's Guide To Being Awesome
Kid President is one amazing, little dude. I first encountered him through his YouTube collaborations with SoulPancake and I watched him give the world a motivating and encouraging pep talk. This kid knows so much more than me about life. Kid President (real name: Robby Novak) worked with his big brother-in-law to bring their inspiring ideas to the world through their videos and now they've released Kid President's Guide to Being Awesome which features celebrity interviews and ideas to help the world. Something about reading about inspirational ideas through the eyes of someone much younger than you is incredibly refreshing.
2. Motivation: Getting Motivated, Feeling Motivated, Staying Motivated
If you like to view life from a scientific point of view, then this is the book for you, as it explains to us exactly what motivation is and how we can eliminate the problems that stand in the way of reaching it. This book uses motivation psychology to get to the root of your issues by helping you overcome physical and emotional problems. Chapters cover fear of failure, low self-esteem, and (my personal demon) procrastination to just name a few. This book is a perfect choice if you're really struggling to get motivated and you want results fast.
3. It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be
This is one of my favorite books and I turn to it when I need an instant injection of motivation. Written by the legendary Paul Arden, who held the position of Executive Creative Director of Saatchi & Saatchi, this book is sure to inspire even the most unmotivated person to get their butts out of bed and do something productive with their spare time. Before reading this book I was pretty skeptical as to how a book about succeeding in advertising and business could be motivating to me, a writer. However, the inspirational quotes in It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be can be applied to any career and come to think of it, life in general. His nuggets of insight include such gems as, "Do not seek praise. Seek criticism." and "Don't look for the next opportunity. The one you have in hand is the opportunity."
4. Whatever You Are, Be a Good One: 100 Inspirational Quotations Hand-Lettered by Lisa Congdon
Visual people are sure to love this book which features famous, inspirational quotes brought to life by Lisa Congdon's artwork. There are quotes for all sorts of occasions that are spoken by some of the wisest minds of all time. It's an awesome book for people who love scrolling through Instagram and enjoy looking at the inspiring, illustrated quotes therein. Whatever You Are, Be A Good One is a great choice for those who are short of time, as you can easily pick it up and leap in whenever you need a quick, motivational message.
5. The 52 Lists Project: A Year of Weekly Journaling Inspiration
Yes, this is technically a diary, but sometimes we must push ourselves to be proactive in order to find our motivation. The 52 Lists Project includes weekly lists that are set to the seasons so you can take control of your life by gradually learning more about your needs and desires. It also contains beautiful images which are sure to inspire. This journal is on my Christmas list because I know that when I start to achieve and accomplish things, such as writing a weekly list, I feel more motivated and the cycle will continue to feed itself.
6. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
From the author of Eat Pray Love comes this exciting book, which is sure to motivate even the most uninspired creative into action. In a video posted at the start of the year on her YouTube channel, Gilbert announced Big Magic telling viewers, "I wrote this book last year, it's a book that I've been thinking about for over a decade but it finally came into being this year when I decided that I wanted to take all of the ideas that I've been talking about for years about creativity, inspiration, and how to live a more artistic and expanded life in a way that is sane and healthy and generative and exciting." Sounds pretty great, right?
7. Cabin Porn: Inspiration for Your Quiet Place Somewhere
Outdoorsy and indoorsy gals alike are sure to enjoy Cabin Porn . Written by Zach Klein, who also created the site of the same name, this book gives readers beautiful imagery and how-to tips on how to create their own little getaway. Cabin Porn (the website) was initially born out of a need to scrapbook; a bunch of friends who were preserving a hidden forest in Upstate New York needed a method in which to collate together inspirational images for their future building projects. Before they knew it the site was a huge success with millions of visitors, thus Cabin Porn the book came into being. IMO the photography within this book is like a breath of fresh air and works as a motivational tool to get your creative juices flowing, whether that be in creating your own wonderful cabin, picking up your pen to finish your novel, or getting stuck into a project for work. It's as if you've gone for a walk in the woods to clear your head and gather your thoughts but without actually leaving the comfort of your couch.
8. Radical Self Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dream
I've been a fan of Gala Darling for quite some time and I was thrilled when I heard she had released a book. Gala Darling is a magical human being who is part life guru, part positive living priestess who enables other women to obtain the power they need to grow and build the life they want to lead, not the life that society has pigeonholed them into. She tells readers of her website, "You are destined for more than a life of corporate cubicle hell. You are more than just a worker bee, a mother, a wife, or a girlfriend. You can be and do whatever you want. There are a million possible avenues for you to saunter down, and the only way to discover that for yourself is to put on your best shoes and just start walking."
Radical Self Love was available to purchase for just a week in July of this year. However it looks like Amazon will be stocking it from February 2016. In the meantime, check out a snippet of the book, read aloud by Gala herself. She is one motivational, magical unicorn of a woman.
Everyone needs a creative, inspirational boost sometimes. These books give you that boost and an opportunity to unwind through reading — the perfect combination to find a little relaxation in a crazy world.
Images: Pexels