Breaking Down The 'PLL' Trailer Into Pros & Cons

Can you believe we have to wait until January (January!) for Pretty Little Liars to return for Season 6B? Fans may know the identity of A now, but that doesn't mean the show hasn't left us on one of its biggest cliffhangers yet: The last 30 seconds of the recent summer finale previewed an intriguing five-year time jump, racing all the Liars past college and into professional, adult life. The all-too-short Pretty Little Liars time jump preview definitely dropped some pretty interesting clues (such as hints of the show's new Big Bad, the fact that Ali is now Mrs. Rollins, and the little bombshell that Hanna was wearing an engagement ring), but it definitely whetted our appetites moreso than actually feeding them. So if you're still hungry for info on the new season, there's always the new trailer to turn to. The official Season 6B trailer showcases some welcome familiar faces, mixed in with a couple of new locations, jobs, and situations — Future Rosewood definitely has a different vibe, and I don't know about you, but I want to go to there.
So, with that in mind, let's break the Season 6B trailer down into all it's worth, and divide everything up into pros and cons Spoiler alert: There are most definitely more pros than cons on this list — it's time to get pumped for more PLL. And for even more time jump predictions, check out Bustle's PLL podcast Taking This One To The Grave.
Pro: The Liars' Grown-up Fashion
I don't know about you, but I am digging Spencer's ultra-professional '70s-esque bangs/camel coat game.
Con: The Liars' Grown-up Fashion
I love you, Hanna, but lose the extensions.
Pro: Caleb & Toby Are Back
It's looking like Caleb and Hanna may not actually be engaged (yet), but at least he's still going to be in town!
Con: Where's Ezra?
Was that Ezra sporting a goatee and looking mad suspicious on the security camera footage? Hmm...
Actually, let's make this a pro: After all, who doesn't love EzrA? Here's hoping he's every bit as sketchy as this new trailer makes him seem.
Pro: Rosewood's Church Is Creepy As Ever
Ah, the site of many a murder and many a funeral looks like it will be as big a factor in the time-jumped version of the show too.
Pro: Mona Is Back!
I think most of us can agree that she was the primo A, and her continued existence in Rosewood is certainly a welcome one.
Con: Sara Harvey Is Back
Like it isn't bad enough that the chick turned out to be Red Coat and Black Widow — unfortunately, it looks like everyone's least favorite mysterious blonde is back in town (incidentally whilst sporting some pretty crazy eyeshadow).
Oh well... at least she's got the whole villain look down to a T now.
Pro and Con: The Liars Might Be Experiencing Post-College Blues
Most of us have been there, right? As someone who literally hid her diploma in the back of the closet, I totally feel the fact that Emily is stashing away her graduation photos. It's tough to predict how PLL will treat its characters post-college, but if this is any indication, it won't all be wine and roses (though there will definitely be some wine and roses in the literal sense, if all the engagement hints end up panning out).
Pro: Aria's Going Into Publishing
Early-twenties angst aside, the trailer hints at cool career paths for a few of the liars — judging by the book on her desk, Aria looks to be working in publishing (and she's just as stylish as ever).
Pro: You Know Ali's Going to Run Into A Lot of Drama at Rosewood High
Ah, the old stomping grounds...
Pro: Spencer's Going To Make An Awesome Politician... Someday
If you look closely at the campaign posters and buttons seen in the trailer, they look like they say "Veronica Hastings." Spencer may be a little young to be running for office, but it looks like she'll at least be helping out on her mother's campaign, and I'm confident that will lead to a political career of her own someday.
Pro: The Liars Can (Legally) Drink Now
So does this mean that we can expect Sex and the City-style cosmo-fueled gossip sessions? Let's hope so.
Pretty Little Liars Season 6B may still be months away, but at least we have a lot to forward to, and plenty of clues to analyze, in the meantime. Check out the full time jump trailer below.
Images: ABC Family (13)