Phoebe Dahl's Shirts Send Nepali Girls To School

Coffee and t-shirts might not seem like the most natural pair when you first think about it, but I think you'll be convinced the two fit perfectly when you hear about this cause. Phoebe Dahl has paired with Verve Coffee Roasters and released a new line of t-shirts that support a very good cause. Dahl, who's Roald Dahl's granddaughter (and Ruby Rose's fiancé), founded Faircloth & Supply, a line of clothing that helps send a girl in Nepal to school with each purchase.
The clothing line's typical pieces include breezy linen dresses that are all produced at sustainable and eco-conscious factories. The t-shirts are a bit of a departure, but they're the perfect way to collaborate with Verve, the cool L.A. and Santa Cruz chain of coffee shops. Each tee is made of organic cotton and reads "Remember not to be ordinary," a quote of Phoebe Dahl's that matches the mission of Verve as well.
They became available for purchase on Verve's website Sept. 3, and the entire supply already sold out. Luckily, the companies are planning to make additional orders. However, all the colors are available at their Melrose location right now (if you're able to swing by!). Each $48 t-shirt will send a girl in Nepal to school for a year, buy her two uniforms, and provide her with school supplies. That's one purchase you can definitely feel good about.
Oh, and the shirts are totally adorable and look like they'd be ridiculously soft and comfy. They come in three colors: charcoal, cream, and light gray. Now I'm wondering how to pick just one. The front pocket of each shirt reads "faircloth + verve" in simple script.
The back has big block letters with the project's motto.
Given Dahl runs her own fashion company, I have to wonder if she'll choose to wear a cool Faircloth & Supply dress at her upcoming wedding to actress and model Ruby Rose. I have a feeling she'll somehow pick something perfectly boho-chic and eco-conscious.
Images: Josh Telles